Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Was it?" i thought to myself.  I opened my binder and took out yesterday's homework. I got up, carrying it. I walk past Justin, forgetting all about him. I put my homework on the teacher's desk, and sit back down. **ringgggggg** the school bell rang. My teacher had walked therough the dorway and sat down. She got soem chalk out of her drawer from her desk, and walked to the chalk board. I sighed. You prbably wonder what this period is. Well, its math. Yeah, I know, a great way to stat every morning. All I heard from my teacher was mumbling. I had zoned out. I was thinking. Not about buying new mascara, no. I was thinking about him. Jason.

"Y/N!" my teacher yelled. I quickly sat up and arched my back, putting my focus back up to her and the board. "Can you solve this equation please?" she questioned. "uhh, yes. 63" I replied. She gave me a glare and turned to the board. I sighed once again, crossing my arms. paying attention. 

The time flew by pretty fast after that. I was already in 4th period, a free block. In my school, you can do whatever you want in a free block. You can finish up some homework you had recieved, you play go on your phone, or go to get something to drink from a place like Tim Hortans.  Tim Hortans was right across from our school, i usually go there when I have no homework. So, there I went. I walked across the road, and into Timmi's.  I stood in line what felt like 5 minutes. It went by fast. When it was my turn, I ordered. "iced frappe with chocolate drizzle please." The lady nodded and went to make my frappe. Once she gave it to me, i gave her the cash and walked back to school. 

I was walking in the halls, going back to 4th period, when someone had bumped into me. My drink had spilt all over my clothes and shoes. I looked up, and saw 3 tall, bulky boys. And one of them, was him. Jason Mcann.

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