"You can go back now Virgo" I smile

"Understood, princess. Call me again if you need anything" Virgo bows before returning to the Celestial Spirit World

"I'll ask again, who are you?" Lyon says, a little irritated this time

"I'm the one who helped bring you two together" she smiles sweetly

"What?" I look at her in confusion

"Cosmica's triple date idea?" the female in front of us smiles

"Now that you mention it. Cosmica would never consider it, let alone cross her mind. What did you do to her?" I glare

"I only took over her thoughts for a bit that's all" she smiles

"You should be thanking me really" she adds

"If that's the case, why get in our way now?" Lyon asks

"Well. We all want to know if you two are worthy. You let your friends do all the fighting for you earlier. You guys came here without effort. You didn't work hard to get here. Prove yourself to me. If I find you worthy, the wish is yours" the girl explains

"We're grateful to the others for helping us out," Lyon says

"We won't let all their efforts go waste" I add

After what seems like hours, I finally hit one of them, my sword piercing through its chest. The clones turns back into feathers and blows up

The clones' eyes widens. I start piercing and hitting them with my sword until none of them was left

"Uh oh" Corvus looks at me in fear

I take that chance to knock him out. He disappears back into their world. I start panting, really tired

"No, this isn't the time to rest. It's not over yet" I tell myself as I start running, taking the path the others took

Leo and the mermaids are on the ground, beaten up, but still conscious. I stare at them with a frown on my face, satisfied

My serious face turnS into a sad one and I start crying

"How could you Leo! I thought you love me" I cry

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I cry even harder and more tears fall down my cheeks, blurring my vision

"I do love you," Leo says

"Huh?" I look at him in surprise

He slowly stands up as he pants hard

"Even...even if...you hate me, I love you" he says between breaths as he shakily walks towards me

"I'm sorry. I guess old habits die hard"


"But I want you to always know. Even if I flirt with other girls, you're the only one my heart sees. you're the only one for me. And I love you" once he says this I start crying again and I hug him back, nuzzling my face against his toned chest

Fairy Tail: Another Forbidden Love (Lyon x OC) [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now