Welcome to Aaa

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There was a bright light at first and then I was in a field with the sun beaming over head and burning my skin. I hissed and opened my umbrella. Over the years that I'd planned this escape, I've been watching the people and a cave. Nothing ever goes in or comes out so that will be my home now. It's hilarious to me when Prince Gumbutt is angry but even better when he's scared. Though I do feel bad for Fionna, it's true that she has bad taste in candy, but she's saved his ass a million times over. He shouldn't repel the thought of them being together, especially if he doesn't repel the fact that he needs her help 24/7. Lumpy Space Prince is really annoying as hell and obnoxious. Ice Queen, well they hate her but I knew her before the mushroom war she and Simon were family friends. I wonder what happened to Professor Simon? Oh well he's obviously not here. 

I'm currently walking into my new home. I sigh in glee as I sit down on my comfy couch that I may or may not have stolen from the Queen of the Damned herself, but who cares? I lay down on my couch and sleep the daylight away.

[7 pm Sundown]

I wake up from the best sleep I've had in years. I stretch and head down to the kitchen. I find some watermelon in the fridge, suck the red from it, and eat it. I know I don't need human food but some of it tastes really good. The best part is it won't affect my body physically so i can eat it all I want! I stand watching the sun set for a good 5 minutes it kinda stings but not so much as it hurts. 

The sunsets finally and I make my way to the Candy Kingdom. You see, I have a master plan at hand. I already know the banana guards are retards so they won't be a problem. My house is pretty far from the local area of Aaa it's a pretty far walk but maybe a 15 minute fly at cruising speed. I get to the Candy Kingdom and go to get the stuff I left in one of the alleys a while back. I fly up to the biggest wall on the outside of the castle, smirk evilly, and begin my work. I graffitii the door in black and red to say,"Amethyst the vampire was here," in all caps. 

I was in the middle of coloring the last few letters when- "Where'd that pesky vampire go?!" I raise and eyebrow. Below me are about five banana guards looking around frantically. They couldn't possibly be talking about me, there's no way in hell they could've seen me. Just in case though, I make myself invisible. To my right I heard what sounded like laughter. So there is another vampire. Well I hope they're cool I'd love a hang out buddy. A rock was thrown a few yards away from us in the opposite direction. Those idiots fell for it. Tch, idiots. I thought bananas were supposed to be good for your brain. 

Oh glob I didn't even realize the time. I've been doing this all night. Shiiiiit. I need to finish this and I need to finish it now. I make myself visible again and finish spraying in the last few letters. When I'm finally finish I step back to admire my work and smirk. "Gumbutt won't know what hit him." a random voice to my right says. He must be the other vampire. "I think you're right." I say looking back to my art with a smirk. "Yep, pretty cool. I'm Marshall Lee the Vampire King." I look at him and smile. "So ou're the guy that killed that basterd centuries ago, nicely done. Amethyst, cool to meet you." 

"I'd love to talk, but the sun's coming up soon we'd better banana split or we'll be fried. (hah banana joke) I'm pretty new around here so you'll probably see me around. See you whenever." I say already flying away with my umbrella sending him a half assed wave. "Hey! There's a party tonight at 8 in the forest near the grave yard be there. You'll like it." he says and leaves on his own way home I guess.

[Time Skip to 8pm]

I float into the clearing to see the loud mouthed gossip prince LSP, as they call him here, bumping people while dancing. I've never watched his parties, but I've heard people talk about them. I'm guessing this is one of them seeing how pumped it seems to be. "Hey you came." Marshall yells over the loud music while floating towards me and handing me a glass of red punch. "Thanks." I say drinking the red from the liquid.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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