Chapter Two: The Voodoo Queen

Start from the beginning

"Can't you magically make it cooler?" Belen whined and Selena glared at her.

"I don't think it works that way." She retorted and Belen frowned.

"Why not?" Belen questioned and Selena sighed.

"I don't know, Belen. All I know is that I'm a witch who needs to go to some kind of wizarding school to practice magic. I still don't know how any of it works." Selena told her and Belen pouted.

"What's the point of you being a witch if you can't do magic?" Belen replied and Selena knew it was too hot for her to deal with this right now. However, before the dark haired girl could respond, her parents walked into the room. Selena was a little surprised to see her father there since she knew he usually worked weekends. She supposed he probably called it a day since the temperature was actually quite unbearable. Selena sat up straight in her seat as she noticed the serious looks on both of their faces. Even Belen gave their parents a curious look from her spot in front of the air conditioner.

"What's going on?" Selena asked softly as she stared at her parents. Her mother took a deep breath before exhaling and then speaking.

"We've finally come to a decision about Hogwarts." Valencia announced as she looked at her eleven year old daughter. Selena's face lit up with excitement as she heard her mother but she tried to tell herself to not become too hopeful. Her parents might tell her no after all.

"Really?" Selena asked, trying not to seem too excited. Her parents both nodded and Selena started to feel her spirits start to lift as she saw the small smile on both of their faces.

"Yes and we've decided, after a lot of thinking, that you should go." Valencia told Selena who immediately grinned and hopped up from the couch. Even Belen started squealing in excitement as she raced over her sister, hopping up and down. Selena immediately hugged her parents, feeling delighted at this news.

"Thank you, Mami! Thank you, Papi!" She exclaimed happily and her parents laughed at the clearly thrilled young girl before patting her on the back. Selena couldn't believe it. Her parents were actually going to let her go. This felt like she was getting everything she ever wanted and more which was odd because she didn't know that this was what she really wanted until a couple months ago. Selena could already picture it all in her head. All the magic she would learn and not to mention the friends she could make...friends that were just like her in many ways. The only wizard she had ever met was Nathan so Selena imagined she'd be overwhelmed by all the wizards and witches she'd meet at Hogwarts. Oh, Selena couldn't wait. She'd give anything to just hop on that train and go to the school right this instant.

"But we have a few rules." Valencia said seriously as Selena pulled away. The eleven year old nodded furiously.

"Yes. Of course." Her father gave her a very serious look even though deep down he was proud of his daughter...proud that his daughter was special in ways that were beyond his or anyone's understanding. That of all the children in this large family, it was Selena who was meant for great things.

"You'll have to study very hard at this school of yours although I don't think that will be a problem for you." Cresencio told her before continuing. "And you'll also have to be on your best behavior." That also wasn't a problem for Selena since she was never one to get in trouble. At the Catholic school she and Belen had attended, Selena mostly kept her head down and obediently followed the nuns instructions. It was common knowledge that you never crossed a nun. Belen and Sofia, however, had no trouble speaking their minds. Sofia was the most troublesome of all the Almendarez siblings, having gotten in trouble more times than the rest of them combined. Sofia had even gotten the paddle once or twice and so Selena decided that her days at school were much better spent paying attention in class rather than getting into trouble.

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