Start from the beginning

Sub: :(

Sketch: Ha!

Sub: Shut up

*next house*

Sub: *rings door bell*

Dogs: Bark bark!

Person: *opens door*

Dogs: *escapes and chases Sub*


Madi: Hehehe

Sub: HELP!

Pam: Oof

*next house*

Sub: Trick or treat! :D

Person: *slams door in Sub's face*

Sub: :c

Alex: Wow, rude

*next houze*

Sub: Trick or treat!

Person: Uhm...are you here for something?

Sub: I'm here for candy :3 *holds out bag*

Person: It's only spring -_-

Sub: But I want candy >:(

Person: Don't make me call the cops...

Sub: Whoops! Gotta go!

*last house*

Denis: Woah! This house is huge :O

Sub: Well, this is the last house!

Sketch: Bye

Sub: *rings door bell*

Person: :D

Sub: Hi! Trick or treat! :)

Person: :) *kidnaps Sub*


Alex: Oh my gosh!

Sketch: Whatever let's leave

Sophia: But we need to save him D:

Sketch: He'll be fineeee

Denis: -_-

Madi: Some friend you are

Sketch: He'll be fineee! Trust me!

Madi: Trusting someone like you? No way

Sketch: Fine...let's go and save him *rolls eyes*

Corl: Awww, he's going to save his boo!

Sketch: I hate you guys

Denis: I wish Sub was here to say "I love you too"

Sketch: Well, he's not! And I'm glad

Denis: Skub will still be here wether you like it or not ;)

Hailey: Hehehe...well! Let's save him!

*goes inside house*

Sketch: Uhm...why does it look like a witch lives here?

Alex: O_O

Sophia: Woah! *touches stuff*

Madi: Don't touch that!

Pam: Oooh what's this? *presses a button*

Madi: Stop touching things!

Person: Hello :)

Sketch: Oh my god! Let him go!

Person: What do you mean? :)

Sketch: I will fite >:( Let my friend go!

Denis: Don'y you mean your BOYfriend

Jazzy: Not the time Dingo!

Denis: Sorry

Person: I dunno who you're talking about

Sketch: >:(

Person: Hehehe :)

Sketch: Imma bout to break some ankles >:(

Hailey: Woah calm down Skoop!

Sketch: *kicks person*

Person: O-ow!

Sketch: Tell me...where Sub is >:(

Person: He's in there!

Sub: O! Hey guys!

Sketch: You're okay! *hugs*

Sub: ?

Denis: SKUB!

Sub: What...

Sketch: I thoughg you were dead! *hugz harder*

Sub: Too tight! Can't breathe!

Sketch: *blushes* Hehe...heh...Sorry

Sophia: Did that person cast an evil spell on you?!

Sub: What are you guys talking about!

Sketch: They literally kidnapped you!

Sub: But...they gave me tea...

Alex: You had tea without me!? >:(

Denis: But they had to kidnap you to give you tea? -.-

Sub: *shrugs* I guess

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now