Starting Today, You're a Hostess!

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A few days after your interview, you found yourself lounging around on your couch, gorging yourself with food. To be honest, you didn't have anything better to do other than wait around to find out if you had been chosen for the job. It had been almost a week since you had gone in to speak with Aida and you were pretty much losing any hope of getting the job.

"Why would they give me a job anyways? I'm too awkward..." You told yourself, anxiety beginning to eat away at you once again.

You could barely afford the apartment you lived in and you feared that without the job, you'd be kicked out by your landlord. It wasn't the most positive conclusion to make, but it was most certainly truthful. No job meant no money. No money meant no home.

You figured you could work as a stripper to get money, but that was out of your comfort zone and not to mention that you had no confidence in your body whatsoever. Even the thought of putting yourself out there like that made your ears feel as though they were scorching.

"I should probably get up and do something more productive...." You mumbled to yourself as you examined your now empty bowl of popcorn.

Deciding that you were in fact right about needing to do something beneficial, you put your dish in the sink and prepared for the day ahead. You found yourself dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie since it was a tad bit chilly outside. Once dressed, you brushed your teeth and pulled your hair back to get it out of your face. Make up was too much of a hassle, so you didn't even bother. It didn't take long for you to get ready and before you knew it, you were out the door and riding your bike down the sidewalks in town.

Your backpack was steadily propped on your back as you rode down throughout town. There was always the option to put it in the front basket, but you didn't want to stop just to put it in there.

But eventually, you did have to stop riding when you realized your phone was buzzing in your backpack. It took you a minute to fish the vibrating object out of the bag. The caller appeared to be from someone unknown, so you paused a moment before answering.

"H-hello?" You answered, biting your lip.

"Hey! This is Aida! How are you (y/n)?"

Your heart felt as though it had dropped into your stomach from how scared you were.

"I'm good...! A-and you?"

"I'm doing amazing! And speaking of amazing, congratulations on your new job!" She cheered on the other line, her words unbelievable to you.

"I.... I got the job?" You asked, needing the reassurance.

"Yes!!! I know it's kinda late notice, but is it cool if you come in as soon as you can today to get your training started?"

"Y-yeah! I'm actually riding my bike in that general direction anyways! So I'll be there in a couple of minutes!"

"Okay! See you soon!"

Aida hung up the phone and you smiled, hopping on your bike to ride the rest of the way to work.

A lively chuckle left your mouth as you rode through the park and saw all the happy children playing to their hearts' content. Such precious children without a care in the world. Such innocence and no regard to their flaws.

Then, you noticed another group of children who were all sitting around a man who played guitar. This man (whom you found to be particularly handsome) sported a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt that complimented his slightly built arms. A simple outfit for a simple man. Being mesmerized by this man and his amazing playing, you parked your bike and cautiously walked over to sit with the kids watching him. You figured you had a few minutes to waste. Upon seeing you watch him, the man offered you a wide, genuine smile along with a wink. Your face went a deep rose color and you buried your head in your hands. Attention wasn't something that you liked very much. Through your fingers, you peeked out slightly to see the man chuckling at your response.

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