We've All Got Our Issues

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"I wouldn't say that's a bad thing." I said, to lighten the mood. "You're nothing like him and that's what makes you so great."

"You think I'm great?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and we both laughed. "Can you do me a favor?" He asked. "I'm not sure if you've heard but the Homecoming Carnival is tomorrow night," How could I forget? Declan was supposed to be my date. "and I sort of promised someone that I'd go with them."

"A secret crush?" I teased.

"Something like that." He blushed. "Do you think you could ask your brother to take the watch for tomorrow?"

"Sure." I agreed. "I bet he was already planning on it."

"What about you?" 

"What about me?" I chuckled. 

"Aren't you going to the carnival?"

"I don't think so. Aiden would never let me..."

"Not like that's stopped you before." He grinned.

"I have no one to go with." 

"Did you ask Jackson?" 

"Are you kidding?" I laughed.

"I'm being serious!" He smiled. "You two are cute together."

"You sound just lke your sister." 

"You should give him a chance, he's a great guy."

"I'm pretty sure he's bipolar or something."

"We've all got our issues." Tuck shrugged. 

"What are yours?" I asked, looking at the clock on my bed side table. It was already two in the morning. Sleep no longer seemed like an option.

Tuck hesitated for a moment. "I have anger management problems, and I'm sort of a control freak." 

"I find that extremely hard to believe!"

"No, really." He assured me. "You can ask Scar. I once punched a hole through our TV because I got mad when my favorite character died on Lost." He chuckled to himself. "And I don't like it when things aren't in my control, it freaks me out. I hating being vulnerable, and feeling as if there's nothing I can do." He paused before asking,"And yours?"

"I was afraid you would ask." I blushed. "I'm afraid of commitment-and getting attached to one person. I don't like letting people down, and even worse; being let down by other people. I also have trust issues.  I feel like the only person I can trust is myself."

"You can trust me." 

"Jackson has issues but they all have to do with his personality. If he weren't so cocky or sarcastic then maybe I'd give him a chance."

"I think that's your commitment issue making up excuses." Tuck argued. "Jackson can be very sensitive, if you get to know him. He locks that part of him up, because he has the same issues you do. You know about him and Amanda, right?" I nodded and he continued. "Before Amanda, there was Madison. Madison was human, like you. They were friends since birth. They basically grew up together. But Madison didn't love Jackson the way he loved her. She thought they were just friends and Jackson wanted more. So he told her his secret, hoping it would bring them closer. Madison freaked out. She called him a monster and all these horrible things. She finally convinced her family to move away, but that was after she broke his heart. So he turned to Amanda. He wanted to connect with someone so badly, and Amanda was willing. That's why he sleeps around. He doesn't want to get attached to one person either, because he's afraid they'll just end up breaking his heart."

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