Chapter 37: He's Experiencing the Symptoms! - Part 2

Start from the beginning

While waiting, I chopped the tempe and lathered it with salt and pepper.

Volk walked into the kitchen. He whistled and said, "I know you're skillful in the kitchen. But I didn't know you're this skillful."

"Only the recipes that I know..." I replied as I set aside the tofu inside the microwavable bowl, before putting it in the microwave and blanch it for 3 minutes.

Lulu then came to the stove, lift the pot filled with boiled spinach. "Andy! Cepetan!" (Andy! Hurry up!)

"Volk! Hold this!" I shouted as I took out the strainer and put it on Volk's hands.

"Hold it right here," I said while guiding him to the kitchen sink.

She lifted the pot and poured the contents down to the strainer, making the water's out and into the drain, while the spinach stays in the strainer.

Meanwhile, I took out sesame oil, soy sauce, a clove of garlic, garlic crusher device, and toasted sesame seeds.

She then picked up the spinach and squished them dry before dumped the spinach into the mixing bowl.

I crushed the garlic with the device before squirting out the oil and the soy sauce.

"Lu. Adukin bayemnya. Aku mau siapin tempenya." (Lu. Mix the spinach. I need to prepare the tempeh.)

The tempeh has been set for five minutes under a mixture of salt and pepper. I laid it down on heated cooking oil in a shallow pan.

I took out the spatula and started watching the tempeh carefully.

"Anytime now..." I muttered to myself.

Meanwhile, Volk asked, "What should I do now?"

"Fetch Harris. We need some muscle help," I replied.

"Wha?" Volk looked confused.

"Do it!" Lulu shrieked as she crunched the poor spinach. Volk yelped and ran.

"Jangan ampe ancur, neng! Taroh di meja, siapin alat sama bahan buat pajeon-nya! Kasih tahu cara bikinnya!" I commanded. (Don't crush it! Put it on the table, and prepare the ingredients and pieces of equipment for the pajeon! Make sure to tell them how to do it!)

"Oke!" (OK!)


It took almost two hours for us to prepare the whole meal. By the time we are finished for real, all wolves already sat down in their places.

Honestly? I don't know if they know how to use chopsticks, although I am sure they used to go to a Chinese joint before.

"Wow! It's a feast!" A Hunter whistled.

"Dig in, everyone! We have enough rice!" I said as we sat down.

And they didn't even need to be told twice.

Honestly, I am nervous about what they think of our food. The thing about Asian people cooking is that we didn't measure as exact. You gotta go with the gut.

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