Happy Birthday Stahl!

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Stahl began his day like any other. He woke up, staring at the peaked top of his sleeping tent. He wished he could fall asleep again--he was having the most wonderful dream-- but his ever-present hunger was nudging him to go find something to eat.

He rolled off of the sleeping mat, tried to smooth his hair down, and opened the tent flap. Judging from the level of light, it was still pretty early. He'd have to be quiet so he wouldn't wak--

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAHL!!!" The wall of sound crashed into him, nearly knocking him over like Sumia. Looking around, all of Ylisse's soldiers were crowded around his tent, grinning. (Y/n) was at the front, a beautiful grin on her face. Then again, he thought, everything about her is beautiful... Behind her, Henry grinned even brighter than usual, and Tharja actually seemed pleased to see him. He smiled and remembered the figs he had brought her, and the truth hex. She...had removed that by now, right...? Wedged in between her and Cordelia, Lon'qu had never looked quite so uncomfortable. It was actually pretty funny to see the normally-cool warrior so flustered!

All the rest of them were grinning as well, pressing in closer to see his reaction. They were still falling over each other--literally in Sumia's case--when (y/n) walked over and planted a brief kiss on his cheek.

"Happy birthday, Stahl!" she repeated, quietly this time as if it was a secret between them.

"How did you know?" he asked, feeling a pleasant warmth crawl up his cheeks.

"What, do you think I don't listen when we talk? Of course I know your birthday is June 16!" (Y/n) took his hand firmly between her two small ones. "Now, come with us! We have to celebrate, after all!"

"Celebrate? How?" he asked, but she was single-minded on her task of dragging him to...somewhere. Not that he had a problem with that, mind you...

They eventually arrived at the food tent--one of his favorite places. A wave of fantastic aromas hit him as soon as they entered.

Foods of all sorts were covering the tables like a blanket. It was obvious everyone had made their own dish to pitch in. Candy from Gaius was sprinkled like confetti everywhere. There were entire sections covered in potato dishes from Lon'qu. He smiled when he noticed the carefully-wrapped carrot dumplings from Panne.

"Eat up, everyone!" a deep voice called from the kitchen. Basilio emerged with an enormous tray of roast boar and mead. An even bigger grin spread across his weathered face when he saw Stahl. "Hey, birthday boy! Hope your appetite is as good as always! After all, my dish is better than that Flavia--"


"That's what you get when you insult MY cooking, you bald oaf!" Flavia shouted, not lowering the wooden spoon she had swung. Basilio growled.

"Why, you little--"

"Hey! Can you two not right now?" (Y/n) called, knowing exactly how this was going play out. Basilio and Flavia instantly cooled down. They brought their dishes to the table and dug in.

Everyone quickly found a seat. Lon'qu, in a strike of luck, got a seat between Vaike and Basilio by the end of the table. (Y/n) guided Stahl to the very head of the table, where they sat, fingers still laced together. Stahl beamed at everyone, lingering on the pleased face of (y/n) lovingly, then dug in happily.

After a while, (y/n) stood up, striking her glass with her spoon.

"Excuse me, everyone! Attention, please!" she called. She nodded at the kitchen, and Chrom and (whoever you married Chrom to) came out, holding an enormous cake. Instantly, everyone bursted out singing 'Happy Birthday.' (Y/n) bent over to pass him the first slice, and kissed him on the for head as she did. "Happy birthday, Stahl. I... I love you," she whispered, blushing at the last bit. The familiar pleasant warmth that he was starting to associate with (y/n) being nearby spread across his face and to his racing heart.

Oh yes. This was going to be a very happy birthday indeed.

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