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Harry's P.O.V.

Wow was the only thing I could think when I first saw Samantha. Damn she is hot. I knew if Louis ever knew I thought this he would kill me before I even could explain. I saw the way that Niall was looking at her and honestly it pissed me off. But really I mean she is just wow. I can't believe any of this like I think I might end up liking her.

That can't happen.

Sam's P. O. V.

After I packed all my stuff that wasn't a lot of. Louis came in and asked if he could have a talk with me. I didn't really have a choice but to say yes. All I did was sit and listen. I don't really remember anything from out little "talk" except that Louis said we are going shopping tomorrow. I LOVE SHOPPING LIKE HOLY SHIZZ NEW CLOTHES. After letting it sink in that I've been adopted I get tired and fall asleep.

Harry's P. O. V

I went into Samantha's room to talk to her only to find her asleep. She's hot while she is awake but while she is asleep she is just beautiful. She looks so peaceful and just perfect. Shit. I really need to stop this Louis is going to kill me. I just hope that the other boys hadn't noticed me acting weird or how hot Samantha is.

Author Note.
Hey guys I will be back I missed this story a lot. I got really caught up with school and sports but I will be trying to update at least once a week. Thank you for not giving up on my. ILYASM

One Direction adopted MEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें