Chapter 1

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A small reptilian Pokemon was running, being chased by an Umbreon. He was gaining on her fast. Unbeknownst to her she was heading for a dead end in a rocky area. She was now cornered as she had no choice but to fight. "Give up Snivy" the Umbreon said.

"The Starter Squad never surrenders" The Snivy retorted. "You are an outlaw and my job is to stop you, Kenith."

"Good luck with that kid" Kenith told her. Kenith used Iron Tail on the Snivy.
The Snivy quickly dodged it and used Leaf Blade.

Kenith is hit by the attack as he came back with Psychic.

The Snivy rose up in the air with a surprised expression on her face. Kenith throws her on the rocky ground hard. She slowly gets back up to her feet as she quickly uses Leaf Tornado.

Kenith gets stuck in the Leafy vortex as he is thrown into the rocky ground.
Kenith slowly got back up, now getting a huge amount of damage. He growled. "Her strength sickens me. She's still strong even as a Snivy." He thought. "Then maybe I should try harder."

Kenith puts his black glasses on and grins evilly at the Snivy. He uses Dark Pulse.Snivy is hit hard. She comes back with Vine Whip But Kenith grabs the end with his mouth and begins spinning her around in the air and slamming her to the ground.

Kenith then uses Toxic on her as she becomes poisoned.

"Ah..." she screams in agony as the poison coursed through her.

"Have fun slowly dying, fool" Kenith said as he walked off.

Kenith walked into a dark cave as he sat on the ground and yawned. An Espeon walked towards him. "Did you kill a Starter?" She asked.

"Yes I did, Daybreak. She put up quite a fight but I managed to poison her and I left her to suffer while she slowly dies. The Squad must be mourning about her death as we speak" Kenith answered.

"Good! Soon enough, we'll be able to kill every Starter in Poketown and nothing will stand in our way of chaos" Daybreak said.

"Agreed!" Kenith said.

In PokeTown, a Servine sat beside a small coffin crying.

"Poor Hestia. My sister was a good fighter, why did she have to die. I should have been there sooner, I could have saved her" the Servine replied.

"It's alright, Kusa, we'll catch that Umbreon" a female Pikachu comforted her.

"Thanks Lightning, she just didn't deserve this" Kusa replied.

"She most definitely didn't, she was a great friend of mine" a Popplio in the crowd retorted.

Lightning and all the other Starter Pokémon nodded.

"I'll get revenge for you sis" Kusa whispered to herself. "I promise"

Well that's the end of chapter 1. Sorry it was a short one. I'll be sure to make chapter 2 longer. Hope you enjoyed 😁

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