"Man, for a small chic you sure do – "

"You sure you wanna finish that sentence Falcon?" Sam shut his mouth.

"Watch out!" Jo shoved Sam out of the way of a missile. She jumped up and took down the three of the guards. Sam flew up and shot down the others. Suddenly, there was an explosion and Sam fell off the carrier. Jo turned and shot down the man with missal gun. She rushed to the edge in time to see Sam release his parachute and hit the ground.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, but I'm grounded. The suits down, sorry Jo"

"Don't worry, Cap and I got this!" Jo called before heading to the lower deck, where Steve and Bucky continued to battle. Don't kill Bucky, just knock him out, and maybe break his rib. Jo ignored the pain her side, her broken rib had not fully healed surprisingly, but she didn't have time to worry about it.

Jo entered the lower deck as Steve and Bucky tumbled down onto the metal platform below them, the chip flying out of Steve's hand. Jo jumped down and landed right on the Winter Soldier. The two of them fell onto the glass.


"Get the chip!" She ordered. Bucky swung and she ducked. She charged straight at his abdomen and knocked him down. She didn't have to take him down, just distract him long enough for Steve to get the chip in. Bucky pulled out a gun and fired, Jo, hit the ground, a second too late. Jo gasped as the bullet tore through her side. Bucky turned and shot at Steve. Steve groaned but continued to climb. Bucky shot again, but still, Steve did not go down. Jo kicked the gun out of Bucky's hand, he turned towards her and blocked her next swing. Jo cried out as Bucky dislocated her shoulder, and threw her into the metal beam behind them. Jo's head spun, she scrambled to her feet, but not in time to stop the third shot. Jo looked up to see Steve fall against the railing.

"No!" She screamed, Jo moved to climb up but a hand grabbed her and threw Jo to the ground. The glass beneath her cracked. She rolled out away from Bucky and struggled to stand.

"Okay, guys, get out of there!" Hill came in, Jo glanced up to see Steve struggling to stand. He looked at Jo and they both knew what needed to happen next.

"Fire now"

"But Jo- "

"Do it! Do it now!" Jo ordered. Jo could hear Hill sigh in defeat. Explosions shook the helicarrier. Jo tried to stay on her feet but failed. She did her best to stay out of the way of falling debris. Jo's head snapped up at the sound of someone crying out in pain, fearing it was Steve. But it was Bucky, trapped beneath a metal beam. Jo struggled to get to him. She could feel the carrier tilting, as it headed towards the ground.

Jo reached Bucky the same time Steve did. Fire burned around them, the ship was falling apart. Together, they lifted the beam and Bucky wiggled his way out from beneath it.

"You know me" Steve grunted.

"No, I don't!" Bucky screamed as he punched Steve in the jaw. Jo round kicked Bucky in the head and he stumbled. Jo moved to duck out of the way of Bucky's sing, but that trick didn't work. Bucky hit Jo so hard right below the jaw, she flew back a couple feet and landed on her back. Jo's head spun, her vision was blurry, she could feel broken glass digging into her skull.

"Bucky, you've known me your whole life" Jo heard Bucky grunt as he swung at Steve again. She tried to get up but continued to stumble as another explosion rocked the carrier. "Your name, is James Buchanan Barnes"

"Shut up!" Bucky screamed, he hit Steve again. Steve stood up and tossed his helmet aside.

"I'm not gonna fight you" Steve dropped his shield and it fell into the ocean below them. "You're my friend."

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