Too late

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Laura's POV


"Stop! Please stop, no" I said in between raged breaths and giggles as I shoved him away

"Got ya" I said as I rolled around so that I was on top of James. "Okay I promise I won't tickle you any more and we can continue the film, okay" he said "fine" I replied.

Life was good, i was getting good grades and doing well in subjects, got into an A team, doing well in music and had a sweet, caring, hot boyfriend. Yep that's right Laura Bell, complete nerd had a boyfriend. James was great he new always the right thing to say and was also down to earth. He was real unlike some of the guys at our school.

Buzz buzz

James reached over me to grab his phone. He read the text and smiled before replying back. "Who are you texting" I said leaning over trying to get a glance at his phone. "Oh you know um..... Zac"

There was something wrong about his answer, how he averted eye contact, the hesitation on the word and most importantly the fact that Zac had recently broke his phone. "Come on I know that's not true" I said jokingly but part of me was kind of worried. I quickly reached over him to grab his phone for a brief moment to see who he was texting, however I wasn't fast enough before James was able to grab his phone back and turn me on my back and tickle me again before I agreed to stop snooping. "Sorry I hate to do this but I think it's time I go" he said after a brief moment.

"But what about the film" I said while trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. " yeah I'm sorry but something has come up, I don't want to leave but I have to." He then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and got up and left.

Just like that he left.

"Um.... What?" I sat there dumbfounded at what just happened.

2 weeks later

It was a good day. Was. I was walking down the hall with my best friends Cece and Alex. The weather was mild, jeans and t kind of day with a sunny sky. Most of my timetable was creative stuff and subjects with good chill teachers. A large portion of those being with one or both of my best friends. However the course of my day changed when I saw James heading straight towards me. Usually I would look forward this part of the day however lately James had got distant, like really distant. I had been avoiding him slightly because of the way he started acting and the best way I could deal with it was by pushing it away however there was no hiding this time. Also some rumours said that he had been seen with Macy. Not just the seen together but like together.

Macy is one of those girls who seems really nice and is always nice however has a thing for guys. Normally I don't mind she can do whatever she wants but when it involves my guy I would get slightly weary. I'm friends with her but I would never go to her to talk of anything we just know each other. I knew James and her were friends and they shared a few classes but that was it, wasn't it?

"Hey Laura could we have a chat" of course this is where is was going to happen. "Fine" I replied bluntly. "Hey you guys leave it'll be fine we'll catch up later" I told me friends before trailing behind James. He led me down a empty corridor. "There is something I need to tell you about" her said nervously. "What was it, that you are cheating on me with Macy." I have no idea I was so angry but I had started and wasn't going to stop. "First of all it's kind of rude to just stop talking to someone and not tell them why, second not tell someone that you want to brake up and go out with someone else!" There was a long awkward pause before James tried to brake it. "I see you have um.... found out about ..the ... um know"

"Yeah, good news really travels fast" I replied

"I just wanted to let you know that I still want to be friends and I didn't mean for it to need like this I just..." He didn't finish that sentence instead he looked into my eyes for what might be the last time and brought me into a hug. Feeling the presence of him holding me made me realise how in love I had fallen, I know I was sounding super cheesy but it was the truth. Unfortunately I felt his arms slip from around me and he gave me one last quick glance before hurrying off to his next class.

I stood there for a few moments processing what just happened before running to the girls bathrooms so no one would see me grieving over my broken heart. I could skip one math lesson today and plus there was no way I wanted to see James anytime soon, math being the one class that we share this year.


Authors note

I hope you enjoyed the first part to my new book if you want more please make sure to vote. Thanks for reading

Thebluesock :)

Also something had happened and I can't change my bio so please pay no attention to it

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