The Needs of The Many

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Group POV:

Bob and Sasha kept to the back of the group , talking. Sasha was the first one to see Jewel take a step sideways and stumble. "Rick! Ronnie! We need to stop!" Bob said as he grabbed her.

 "Rick! Ronnie! We need to stop!" Bob said as he grabbed her

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"Mom!" Summer said as she ran to her side.

"What happened?" Rick asked as he took the baby and handed her to Summer. "Jewel, hey, look at me."

"I'm alright," Jewel managed to say as Sasha and Bob helped her sit down.

"Bull shit little sister, you're anything but fine. You tell the Doc here what kind of problem's you're having," Merle said.

Ronnie touched her forehead. "Abdominal pain? Headache? Nausiousness?" she asked as she looked up at the group. "She's running a fever."

Mar bent down and squeezed her hand. "Hey, you're going to be OK. We just need you to tell us everything, so we know how to help you."

"Not a lot you can do, Mar. Not out here," Jewel answered. "Headache and calf pain."

"No abdominal pain?" Ronnie asked again.

"What is it?" Rick asked as he squeezed Jewel's hand.

"Let her do her job brother," Daryl told Rick.

Ronnie smiled appreciatively. "I doubt you've been able to notice if you're bleeding heavily?"

"Sorry was to busy trying not to get eaten," Jewel answered.

"Sorry was to busy trying not to get eaten," Jewel answered

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Mar covered her mouth to keep from laughing. "Yeah, that's the smart ass Dixon we love," she said.

Ronnie looked at the group. "She can't walk anymore, not now. My biggest concern is the fever. The back of her leg looks alright, so hopefully it isn't a blood clot. When we get to this house, we're going to have to try and get that fever down. Someone needs to find me some witch hazel, and if possible some antibiotics."

"What about nursing Hope?" Mika asked.

Mar smiled at her. "It's actually good for both of them for her to nurse. It'll help build up Hope's immune system, something she needs out here. And, Hope's already been exposed to whatever this is."

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