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Beep beep!
I waved at the car, thanking them for the food. I walked back to the side of the road where I was sitting, I could see a small rabbit laying where I sat before the car came. It was a black rabbit with a few white spots, it looked at me then the flower which was tied around my wrist from it's root. "Hey there lil' guy-!" I crouched down to be at almost the same height of the black bunny, but as I did it hopped up and moved forward, about to snatch the flower but I moved back, laying on my side in the road. I got a few cuts and scars just from falling over. Then the bunny jumped again towards the flower, I struggled to get up but soon did. It bit my leg but it didn't hurt me as much as the cuts and scars, it only made me back up a little bit more, going right in front of a car but it stopped before it could hit me, "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING, HOBO!" The man in the car yelled, so I yelled back, "WELL THANKS FOR NOT HITTING ME AND BEING A BITCH!" He just went around me and drove fast away from me, I flipped off him as he drove away, the bunny still at my feet jumping for the flower. "Scram you greedy bunny!" I Said uNdEr my breath but loud enough to probably let it hear me, it only stopped and stared at me, "I SAID SCRAM!" it ran away, not looking back to see if I was still there or not. I stood in the road, waiting for the bunny to be outta sight. After it was gone I ran back to my sitting spot and stared at houses, but there where no more cars, like literally anywhere. I could hear a little girl yell out to me behind me, "Miss! Get up! The white stuff is coming for us!" She Said in a little panicked voice, when I looked at her she was pointing to my right which was where I haven't looked yet. Cars where flipped over, people where screaming, children where crying. I still didn't see what she meant by "the white stuff" because nothing was there. Not until I could feel the ground shaking around and below me, and I was dropped into a white void.

I SO SOWWY, AUTHOR-CHAN IS LAZYYYY and plus I just wanna go on YT now instead of read so whatever just hope u enjoyed this crap, see ya
*jumps into a trash can* 

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