My life and my love

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Im brooklyn, and my life is going to get very complicated from here. I despise everything that happens in my life, my life is just nothing, was nothing until something amazing happened. Everything was messed up in my life due to some of my family members and some people who aren't even a part of my family. When someone special came into my life and made everything in my life okay and made me feel loved. I thought he was the, Is the one. I needed him most out of everyone and everything i've been through.

The day it all started, the day I lost a piece of myself. It was 6 or 7 years ago, when it all began.My grandfather, well my mom's friend's dad, who acted like my grandfather and made me truly happy, he had lots of cancers. I can't name any because I don't really remember any, but he had died from those cancers and that's when a piece of my heart left me. Five years later my grandmother, the person I loved most and always made my days better. She was the one I missed most, my parents, sister, and I would always make a trip to her apartment after school, she was the person that never stopped loving me even when I made a terrifying or horrible mistake. She passed in her apartment, im not sure what date but, she passed from a heart attack, I was demolished because she always made me smile when she pinched my little cheeks with her fingers. She out of all of the passings that have happened in my life she was the one I missed most. I know she has lived a great life and has been there for me, I also knew that it was just her time to go. After a while I have learned to accept it because I know she wouldn't want me to be sad. After her death I lost a big piece of myself.
Soon a few more years passed by and my mother's, mother had lost her husband my grandfather who my mother's, mom had married a couple years after my original grandfather and my grandma had divorced. Although we didn't see each other much, we were still close. He loved fishing and so do my cousins. My cousins Kaleb and Kelen are following in his footsteps, I know he's making sure we are all ok with him leaving us but, we were at his funeral and he was a marine so he left this world appreciated by everyone around him, and I lost another piece of myself.
Eleven days later my little monkey had passed, she was my pride and joy, she was the one who got all of those pieces back together and I was restored, she left this world in such little timing, she left me at two weeks old, she left everyone at two weeks old. I would always think it was my fault because the night before another one of my family members had left, specifically her, I had said some bad things, which will remain a mystery. I was just sad, depressed the night before she passed. After she had passed the person who was restored broke, again, this time not in little pieces from different people passing, this time I lost my whole self and became a different person. Everyone knew i wasn't myself but, I just didn't bother to tell anyone my story about why I lost myself.
That was just a story of how I wasn't myself and some things that have happened to me, now the real story begins.

It was my first day of high school and i already had gained one friend, her name was sophia, me and her were the same people but different, we each had unique things about ourselves. Suddenly Sophia caught me off guard and told me to look at some guy his name was Grayson Dolan, he had a twin brother named Ethan Dolan, obviously Sophia was drooling over Ethan I mean he was okay but Grayson was just better. In a weird way I could tell he was better. Grayson and Ethan walked over to Me and Sophia. Grayson had asked me if I was new and I had nodded a yes to him, I didn't really want to speak because I just wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody besides Sophia. " Sophia can we go to class?" I asked shyly but quietly. "Yeah, sure. Bye Ethan, Bye Grayson." " Bye sophia, bye....ummm!" "Brooklyn, her name is Brooklyn." " Bye Brooklyn, see you at lunch or math?" " Sure, either one." I spoke loud enough for only them to hear, I only spoke a little quiet because I had butterflies in my stomach when I talked to Grayson, but I ignored it.
I walked to my next class, which was math, and sat down in the back, near the middle. Suddenly, I got butterflies in my stomach, it was all because Grayson walked in, he sat right next to me and let me just say that I was starstruck. Hes handsome, funny, and caring. I say that's an A+ on personality and looks.
When math class started Grayson started talking to me, I didn't want to be rude and not talk to him so, I just said something back. We talked for the whole class without the teacher noticing, i'm glad the teacher didn't notice. To be honest i could talk to Grayson all day he always make me laugh. After math class we talked at my locker before we had to go to lunch. After a while we became best friends and that was it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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