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hello! So I have not updated this book in months but I feel the need to talk about this rollercoaster of a cavs season.

So! Let's begin at the beginning
The season definitely did not start off  how I thought it was gonna. We, uh, kinda sucked. Then they figured it out (bc of no thompson lmao) and won 13 straight and 18 out of 19 and I thought we had it! I was wrong

Flash forward to the middle of the season where I.T comes back. We were ASS. Crowder, IT, Rose and Shump were actual trash. J.R and TT were trash as well. So I knew we had to make some trades. I expected one trade get us someone new and that's it! nope! we cleaned house!

I'm chilling in my calc class and hear someone say that the Cavs made a trade so I check my phone and see
"The Cavs have trades Isaiah Thomas and Channing Frye to the Lakers for Larry Nance Jr. and Jordan Clarkson"
I WAS SHOOK. So of course I go on twitter and everyone was freaking out because IT was trash so they were glad he was gone but everyone in CLE likes channing so it was kinda sad.
So I go to my next class and halfway through I check my phone and see that a three team deal happened
Cavs got Rodney Hood and George Hill and we traded Crowder, Rose and Shump.
LMAOOO I WAS DEAD. so now everyone's talking about it on social media and in school. So then the kid next to me goes "wait. we just traded Wade to Miami."
There it was. The moment I knew that LeBron was over all the lazy asses in the locker room.

So I go home and of course have to follow all the new people on ig and twitter so I find Jordan Clarkson on ig and damn when I say I fell in love with this man by looking at his ig once I mean it. My love increased after his first game as a Cav with his whole 3 point celebration. so in love with him.

Right now the Cavs obviously have to continue to figure things out with the new guys & all the injuries but I'm excited and in love with jordan clarkson okok.

xoxo, ericka

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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