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  Eddie has been carrying me for quite sometime now. I've asked him several times to put me down so he could take a break, but he insist on carrying me. Besides that I tried to make small talk, to at least get to know my fiancee I little.

"Why are you here Eddie?" I asked as softly as possible.

"I..." He began, but then looked any where but my curious eyes.

"I don't think you'll like the reason I'm here." He mumbled.

"You can tell me." I whispered in  reassurance.

"My uncle and...father they...."

"Hurt you?" I raised a brow.

"Yes but I also..." Eddie turned his head away.

"You hurt other people, didn't you?" I asked knowingly. "But I don't think its necessarily all your fault, the people who were supposed to protect you hurt you. People can't just expect that kind of thing to not mess with someone mentally."

Eddie stopped in his tracks and looked at me with fury. " You think I'm crazy too! Don't you!"

"No your not crazy your damaged. These people were supposed to heal you but instead they shattered you even more!" I quickly explained.

Eddies expression became one of shock but then returned to his crooked smile. "You truly are kind."  

In that moment, something ran directly across the hall way. It was so fast I barely had time to look over at it.

"What was that?!" I asked in a bit a panic.

"Do not worry darling, I will protect you."

I looked up to him in worry.
"What if it's someone one who wants to kill us?" I had to be careful with my words, I feared I would upset him if I called them crazies or monsters. After all, he is or was a patient here.

"I won't let them put a finger on you."
His words filled my heart with warmth, his arms gripped onto me tighter in a gentle way. This guy really has an affect on me.

    Eddie continued walking, still holding onto me tightly. I was so scared, I have to admit it. This place is filled with killers, and slaughters. All I want is to get out of here.
  ‎"I smell you!"

   ‎Eddie stopped mid-step and looked around. I immediately recognized the voice and the familiar sound of a saw ready to be used. My fingers gripped tightly onto Eddies stitched vest.

"We need to hide." I told him in a whisper.
‎He looked down at me we a raised brow and a smile.
"I've already told yo-" I cut Eddie off by pushing my hand against his mouth. Using my other hand I put my index finger up to my mouth as a silent way of saying "Quiet!"
‎A voice screamed. I nearly jumped out of Eddies arms, but he still held onto me tightly. Again I looked up at him, but this time in fear. He didn't look back though, he was completely focused on the cannibal, whom I unfortunately have ran into before.
    ‎"Eddie, we need to run!" I tried to shake him, but he was as stiff as a board. Suddenly but gently, he put me on my feet. Still keeping his eyes on the half naked man down the hall. I struggled to stand, the pain returning from the incident with Eddie from before. Nevertheless, I managed too, probably because of the man down the hall running at us! He was looking directly at me like a piece of meat. I could see the drool dripping from his mouth the longer he stared at me. Eddie noticed the mans wondering eyes and quickly pulled me to stand behind him. I leaned a bit on him, my hands pressed against his back and my head popping out from behind his shoulder to see.
  ‎The man bolted down the hallway, straight for us. I began to try to pull Eddie back, but he wouldn't budge. Instead he pushed me a bit backwards and began to advance onto the running man.
  ‎"Eddie what are you-!"
  ‎The opposing man ran directly into Eddies fist. He was slammed backwards onto his back with a hard smack. Eddie didn't stop there, he immediately grabbed the cannibal by his throat and lifted him up into the air. His feet were no longer touching the ground, and his saw was long forgotten.
  ‎"You really thought you could take her from me?" Eddie smiled up at him.
  ‎"Darling, what do you think? Should I snap his neck or slit his throat?"Eddie looked over at me. When his eyes met mine a sudden chill ran down my spine. I don't know which Eddie I like more, the soft and sweet Eddie or the protective and sinister Eddie.
  ‎For that moment, my mind went dark and I felt a smile creep onto my face.
  ‎"Snap it, so it will be quick." I told Eddie, walking up behind him and leaning against him again as I'd done before. But this time I wasn't scared, I wasn't anything really. I just felt darkness or something like that. I felt like I could snap the cannibals neck myself.
  ‎Quickly, Eddie lowered the man to his knees and then used both hands to snap the bone with ease. The cannibals head now facing the opposite direction. I smiled more at his quick change of view.
   I shook my head to trying to get the dark thoughts to go away.
  ‎  ‎
"Come on, we should get going."

‎Eddie looked at me with a smirk and a brow raised.
"Are you alright darling? You seem quite different then before, I certainly wasn't expecting that response."

  I shook my head and rubbed my temples. I had to keep myself from loosing it like that. Even so, I could still feel the darkness pushing it's way through my head.

‎"I-I don't know." Was all I could say.
‎"I just..."
  Eddie put a finger under my chin and lifted my head. He tilted his head, and looked straight into my eyes.
"This awful place must be getting to you. Though I must say, your dark side is quite alluring."
  ‎My body tensed up at his words, I looked away from him and began to lean back and forth on my feet.
"We should uh get going." I said my cheeks still warm from his bold statement.
"Of course darling, would you like me to carry you again?" Eddie put a hand on my lower back, ready to lift me up into his arms again.
"No, no, now that you've finally put me down  ‎you can take a break for a little while."
"Oh dear only a little while?" Eddie gave a fake pout with a hint of a playful smile.

  ‎"Well of course only a little while, you gotta to make sure you can carry me like that after we get married." I smiled at Eddie's shocked face as I leaned in closer to him.

‎"Wouldn't want you to get soft now would we?" Our foreheads touched and I could feel his breath on my face our lips just centimeters apart.

‎"Certainly not, what kind of husband would I be if I was soft?" Eddie went in to kiss me but I leaned back a bit to tease him, his lips just missing my own.

‎"A weak one, but thank goodness your not weak." I have him a quick peck on the lips and before he could get a better grip on me I slipped out of his arms. Stepping over the limp body of the cannibal and walked away from Eddie.
"Darling, you certainly are intriguing~"
  ‎ I heard Eddie say from behind me, to which I giggled softly.

‎Eddie chucked and quickened his pace until he was next to me. When he was he linked his hand with my own. We gave each other a sweet smile and continued our journey to escape this hell hole.

‎'Maybe this won't be so bad.' I thought to myself.



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