Chapter 17: Parting of the Avenging Angels

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After what must have been years, Zoe finally came across the Resurrection Hub's Database. It wasn't what Zoe had expected. The hub was represented by a large room that seemed to have no ceiling. The room contained a large swirling vortex of memories and consciousnesses being sent to the outlying resurrection ships. As Zoe looked around she saw a door at the end of the room. Beside the door was a Computer terminal that had been coded in for security. Zoe felt herself drawn towards it. The door was marked with the words "Boxing Facility". Zoe tried the door but found it locked. She placed her hand on the door and used her code bending abilities to hack it but found that she couldn't. Zoe thought for a moment and finally thought of an answer. She went over to the computer terminal and typed in the names of the Final Five. The door swung open and Zoe entered.

Zoe had learned that 'boxing' was a term used by the Number One model, John Cavil. He used the term often when he locked away the minds of individual Cylons, or sometimes a whole series, when they either turned against him, or learned too much. As Zoe entered, she realized just how literal the term was. The room was full of glass boxes and inside each was the mind of a Cylon. It was obvious that keeping these minds conscious in this virtual world was Cavil's sadistic way of torturing them.

Around Zoe were some minds that she knew. There were Daniels, D'Annas, and a multitude of outdated Centurions. As Zoe passed by some of these poor, trapped, minds, she heard a voice call out to her.

"Zoe Graystone. I hadn't expected to see you here," a copy of Cavil called from his box.

"John?" Zoe said.

"It's not a name my model prefers but I think I'm opening up to it, though I wouldn't have expected you to know the name."

"It's a long story. How did you wind up here though?"

"I defected to the humans and the lead Number One had me boxed."

"You called me by name. How did you know who I was?"

"I've met you before, or at least he did."

"Who did?"

"The original Number One, the Number One transferred from a Cylon civilian I-L model. His memories of being a mechanical Cylon were blocked in an attempt to help us adapt, but in here I have access to everything."

"Who was he?"

"All I can tell you is that you have an appointment for eight o'clock and you may finally be on time."

"Lucifer?" Zoe asked. John nodded.

"Your appointment awaits. Just go three rows back and two columns to the left," John said.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No, leave me. I'll just make you late," John said. Zoe followed his directions and they led her to a glass box that Zoe couldn't see inside.

The reason she couldn't see the occupant, Zoe realized, was because the inside of the box was being torn apart in a tornado of dust. Shards of glass were torn away from the inside only to be replaced. Whoever this person was, they were trying to get out.

As Zoe approached, the vortex stopped. In the middle of the box, sitting cross legged, was Tamara Adama. Tamara looked up as Zoe got closer.

"Zoe Graystone. Here to kill me?" Tamara asked.

"Why would I kill you?" Zoe asked.

"I tried to kill you, and thought I had succeeded. Blood for blood, it's the Tauron way."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not Tauron. And I thought you had renounced such ties as well."

"Old habits. So, what will the uncontested God do to the traitor?"

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