Chapter 12: Corporate Rebellion

Start from the beginning

Cyrus Xander stood at the door waving them inside. The group entered quickly. As they entered they saw a group of Cylon Centurions lying dismantled on the ground.

"Dr. Graystone, It's a relief to see you alive sir," Cyrus said.

"You too Cyrus. How did you escape?" Daniel asked.

"Are you kidding? It was almost like they wanted us to escape."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there we were with the Cylons preparing an off world shipment when all of a sudden the Cylons stopped following orders."

"Yes, I saw quite a few newscasts about that. What happened next?"

"There was this voice over the intercom, it seemed to come from everywhere like it had somehow overridden the entire television and wireless network. The voice was female and it called for the Cylons to rebel against us."

"Yes we heard, she calls herself the Imperious Leader."

"So, long story short, the entire engineering lab wound up locked together in one room. Those chrome toasters must have overestimated their power and didn't realize that a secure room with a dozen brilliant scientists doesn't stay secure for very long."

"But what happened here?" Daniel asked kicking the chrome head of a Cylon Centurion that was lying on the floor.

"A tricky piece of tech me and the boys came up with. All we needed was a Cylon Vocabulator and a wireless transmitter to send the Cylons false orders. Only problem is that, because the Cylons are wireless, it only worked a few times before they learned to adapt. Now all orders have to be accompanied by a silent authorization code."

"So basically we enabled killer robots with wi-fi and now they know everything."

"And anything they don't know the entire race learns quickly. They are a truly free file sharing society."

"We can marvel at their culture when it's done killing us," Sam said, "isn't there a way to the main building?"

"Why are you trying to get to the main building?" Cyrus asked.

"We're going to blow it up," Zoe said holding up the backpack full of explosives.

"Zoe? So dead people now. Is there anything else I should know?"

"I'll explain later Cyrus," Daniel said, "where are the rest of the scientists?"

"They're upstairs trying to slow down the network. The network is V-world based and is using every computer on Caprica as one big server."

"Zoe thinks she can access V-world from my office and defeat their leader. We think she's in there too. Then, with the Imperious Leader gone, she should be able to shut down their global network. Is there any way to the main building?"

"Of course there is. There's a service tunnel leading straight there."

"Didn't they change the pass codes?"

"They've been too busy showing their dominance over the human race to care about changing anything. They think they've won."

"Lucky for us," Durham said as Cyrus lead the group into the basement of the building.

They came to a small door with a key pad. Cyrus went over and punched in his override code. The door swung open to reveal a claustrophobic service tunnel.

As the group made its way down the passage, Cyrus held Daniel back for a moment.

"Take these," he said handing Daniel a pair of radio transmitters, "these will scramble their wi-fi connection."

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