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Every child is born with a bright core
Like fairies out to explore
Layered by the world
But that core survives until it gets forgotten

As more layers add up
The core seems to disappear

The child becomes the layers it was brought up to be

Layers that make up the personality and become the core
Here I plant this seed trusting the new generation
And generations to go
To make the layers that add to this core
Layers that make it flourish into goods
Instead of weeds that kill others

Here is a little sun drop
Take care of it
Be careful as this sun drop
Is medicine to many but
If mistreated you would be faced with a deadly poison
The chapter is at its beginning

There are many possibilities to make a happy one
A happy ending has a chance
Don't give your core to people to layer
Own it and chose the layers

Building up a beautiful painting
You are the artist and the canvas
Pick and chose wisely
Your thoughts are the paintbrush
So chose your thoughts
The people around you are the scene you will soon copy
Pick your brush
Paint a scene
Make sure it is one you would like to be

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