Exposed || Chapter 36

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Author's Note: srk2015 vickiwaitingx dwritingprojects amoniquebee LunaMoonglade ToniJones232 LesaG777 ShonaShaniece


1984 - New York


"Why would you do this to me? I love you." Michael yelled at Brenda with tears in the parking lot.

My heart shattered watching after I caught up with Jackson. Michael didn't even care that limousines rolled out time and time again during the argument.

"No, you don't. That was control, not love.  No matter what, you'll always be jealous of Prince. Admit it." Brenda snipped right back at Michael while the diamond ring sparkled on her finger.

"No, Baby. I..." Michael actually tried touching his ex, but Brenda flinched away before he could even reach her face.

"You only hugged and kissed me during the award shows to make yourself feel better. I was so proud, but that doesn't change the fact of you being jealous. You knew Prince would be watching all along. I have to keep telling reporters that we were friends. Our relationship honestly felt like some weird publicity stunt." Brenda ranted out of nowhere before walking away from Michael. I almost dropped my jaw nearby.

"No." Michael shook his head before trying to chase after her. Myheart ached once more as Brenda walked towards Prince without hesitation.

Her limousine with Prince  rolled out before Michael could even  catch up. I held onto my heart for the millionth time at this point.

When this man looked over one shoulder to face me, tears flooded his brown eyes.

"I'm sorry." I almost yelled to him between gentle winds. Michael shook his head once more walked over to kiss my cheek.

I completely understood when he decided to leave for the night. I've never seen Mike so drained. As if his world collapsed in one evening.


The next morning, I called  before work. Silence filled my bedroom as I sat up against pillows.

"Hello?" After three rings, Mike picked up with the most disappointed voice. If weak, I could've sobbed while listening.

"Hey, Boss. Good morning." I tried cheering him up. Nothing worked.

"Hi, Patrice. Good mornin'. Look, I'm so sorry about last night." Michael immediately apologized for the drama.

"Mike, please stop. What happened last night wasn't your fault." I lowered my voice while  trying to rationalize the situation for him.

"Patrice, she was right. Maybe if I didn't lie to the press about my relationship with her, this wouldn't be happening." Michael probably shook his head on the other line now.

He wasn't wrong. I thought to myself.

Every time journalists for magazines or television  mentioned Michael to Brenda, she oddly pulled the "friend card."

Yet, during the American Music Awards and Grammy ceremony, Michael greeted her as if those two would never see each other again.

"Why not tell the truth?" My eyes narrowed while questioning Michael. Again, I didn't know what to think.

"I can't. Do you know how much drama would emerge if people found out. I never wanted to overshadow Brenda. Our relationship would discredit everything else she's done. " Michael calmed down, but I still recognized sadness within his voice.

"Mike, Brenda is engaged to Prince now. I don't think she's worried about people eclipsing her. B knows how talented she is and doesn't really need anyone to elevate status.  Besides you, how much more high-profile can she get with a relationship?" I honestly shrugged.

"Girl, they won't last one week. Prince is a dog." Michael answered bitterly. I almost cringed during his response.

"Damn. Have a little more faith than that. He's going to marry her. Doesn't that mean something this time?" I tried to reassure Jackson.

"I'm sorry, but no. Prince is tricking her into thinking their bullshit is real. He's gonna cheat soon enough and the ring won't mean anything." Michael still refused to perk up this morning. I rolled my eyes.

I hung up on Michael  without hesitation.


"Masterpiece Enterprises" (New York)

Brenda called after lunch to make one of the biggest requests. I could've easily dropped my jaw while holding that telephone.

I muffled squeals while sitting in this leather chair and couldn't help smiling.

Bass rumbled outside the closed door as usual. My otherwise joyful thoughts didn't even want to remember Michael and his anger from the other night.

I just wanted to soak in the enthusiasm right now.

Two wardrobe employees for my  company would need to  handle the wedding dress and even Prince's groom suit. I'd oversee this process altogether.

Of course, staff members flocked towards the opportunity. Prince and Brenda  would fly here in the next few days to give ideas.

After selecting two eager and talented hustlers, I called Prince or Brenda almost every day.

Checking in with my clients deemed essential if projects came along. Especially right now.

If anything happened, these two would send all the blame towards me.

I refused to fail.

Needless to say, business kicked into overdrive. Now more than ever.  I honestly didn't catch this much activity for my life since the "1999" tour.

As of late, Michael wanted nothing to do with me. The idea of my business assisting his old flame seemed ridiculous.

Regardless of the personal  drama, we all acted professional. I didn't even mention my old feelings towards Prince.

We both moved on from each other and ultimately deserved happiness. I'd found my own sense of delight while living in the moment of my career at this point.

I'd just let Michael sulk for now. 

Exposed || MJ/Prince حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن