In the Future of Light

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A/N: Yes, I FINALLY got around to playing Explorers. Please excuse my 10-year lateness.

This takes place about 4-5 months after the Temporal Crisis in Grovyle's timeline, and 10 years after the events in Hero's timeline.


*Pant* *pant*

Just a little more...

*Pant* *pant* *pant*

Any time now...

"Oh! I see the stairs! Up ahead!"


"Finally we're out! Hah... hah... man, that dungeon was a hike."

"Thank you both so much for rescuing me! I know this isn't much, but I want you to have this Pure Seed."

The grateful Sandshrew handed the seed to the two Pokemon in front of her.

"It was no problem!" one of them chimed. "This is what we're here for."

"Who knew that an Eevee and a Mudkip could get through a forest full of strong grass types so easily?"

"Oh, it was nothing. We've been through worse."

"Well, I'd better head home. Thanks again, Dana and Mudkip."

The ground type scurried off into the distance. They were about to do the same, as they were a bit far from Treasure Town and the sun was starting to set.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Mudkip asked his partner.

"Should we go check on the progress of our house on the way back to town?"

"I actually went by there this morning. The guys said it should only be a few more days, and then it'll be ready for move-in!"

"Oh, awesome! That's good to know."

"Yeah, and with that storm we got last night... I'm just really glad the guild is letting us stay with them until the house is done. I'll always love the bluff, but during thunderstorms it's a different story..."

"Definitely. Well, I guess we should start heading back. I found enough perfect apples to keep Wigglytuff happy for a very long time."


*Flap* *flap*

The delivery Pelipper floated down onto the grate at the guild's entrance.

"Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!"

"Whose footprint?"

"The footprint is Pelipper's!"


He proceeded into the building and descended to the ground floor, dropping off some mail to Wigglytuff at his office.

"YOOM...TAH! Thanks a bunch, friend~!"

"Always a pleasure, sir."

The pelican started to flap off again, before being held up by the confused guildmaster.

"Um... friend? What might this be?"

He held out an old, beat up notebook of some sort. It looked like a journal.

"Oh, that? I'm not sure where it came from. Somebody dropped it off at the post office the other day, saying it belongs to Miss Dana. Her name's written inside."

Goodnight, Old FriendWhere stories live. Discover now