Sam's House

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Just do what must be done.

This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.

George Bernard Shaw

We arrived at Sammy's around three that day. I have to admit, La Push will always be my home. No matter where I am La Push is my Jerusalem.

The house was gorgeous homey and welcoming. I could easily imagine myself on the porch sketching or just plain relaxing. Two storeys high and with a front porch. "Nice house Sammy"

He grunted. He's not too fond of his nickname and I'm the only one he can't shut up so it stuck. A pretty Native American girl walked out. Emily! Man I'm nervous now! Sure I'd talked to her over Skype and Sam said she couldn't wait to meet me but still! I hoped out of the truck and Emily already had me in a hug.

'Hey Emily'. I returned the hug. As we broke apart Sam stood there grinning like a Cheshire Cat. 'Close your mouth Sam, you're gonna catch flies.' Emily laughed and draped an arm around my shoulders steering me toward the house.

'We unpacked all you stuff, Alyssa. All the guys are excited to see you.' I stopped dead causing both Emily and Sam to turn with curious looks on their faces.

'You ok, Lyssa?' The concern was plain on Sammy's face. I nodded and started after them again.

'Yeah, just didn't think I'd meet everyone again so soon.' I schooled my face into being happy looking. Sam was so not fooled. We walked in and around the kitchen sat three massive guys with the same kind of build as Sam, all had the same tribal tattoo and all had this earthy sorta scent.

'The famous Alyssa returns.' Said one of the men that surrounded the kitchen table. Wait...I know that voice.


'The one and only' He said smirking away.

'PAOO!' I yell jumping into his arms. I recognised the other. 'Jared! How the hell did ye all get so big?! Last time I saw ye were scrawny wee shits!' My hand was flying up and down pointing to their now chiselled physique. Yes, sometimes my Irishness comes out and they just happen to find it freakin' hilarious.

I was suddenly picked off the ground. 'We could ask you the same question!' Jared, the sneak! He had picked me up from behind and was spinning me around. Laughing he put me down.

'So how's that girl you like?' He blushed scarlet and muttered something I couldn't hear. Then my phone went off. I checked the caller ID. Callum!

'One sec.' I went outside and answered the phone. 'What du want Callum?' I hissed down the phone.

'That's not how you greet your Alpha, Alyssa.' He reprimanded. I rolled my eyes at him and ran a hand through my hair.

'Fine, sorry so what's up?' I leaned against the porch railing. 'And none of your cryptic shit either.'Callum chuckled on the other side of the line. I could hear the creek of the cracked leather chair in his office.

'Are you alone?' I turned around and looked in the window. They were all inside laughing at something with Sam's arm wrapped around Emily while she watched the boys with a mother's love in her eyes.

'Yeah.' I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.

'Nothing is as it seems. You can show them after they show you.'

'What? I thought I said no cryptic crap, Callum! What the hell does that even mean?' I all but yelled at the phone.

'All in due time young pup.' I sighed. Callum never speaks plain English ever! 'I'll talk to you tomorrow everyone misses you and Devon is quoting tragedies, again.'

'Alright, talk to you tomorrow.' He hung up. Slipping the phone into my pocket I headed inside.

'Ok so who's willing to go with me to First Beach?' I arched an eyebrow and slipped my hands into the back pockets of my jeans looking at the guys expectedly. I watched for the guys reactions. A grin broke across Jared's face.

'Grab your swimsuit.' I grinned and ran upstairs. Crap! I don't know which is mine!

'Guys which is my room?' I yelled from upstairs. I heard the guys and Emily laughing at my expense.

Emily came upstairs and showed me the room. It was large and open with a large window the turned out to be a balcony and a window seat which looked over the front yard. One wall was painted a lime green while the others were an almost white cream. The oak furniture from my old room was arranged so there were still loads of room. I smiled when I saw where Devon had carved 'Devon=Best Friend' on one of the bed side tables years ago.

They'd placed my pictures around the room. Some hung on the wall and others stood on my dresser. I smiled as I looked at a picture of Jacob, Quil, Embry and Kyle that I'd taken a few years ago while visiting. Quil had the silliest face on, while Embry tried to hide, Jacob and Kyle smiled straight at the camera.

I turned to Emily and smiled. She had a worried look on her face.

'Wow, I love it Emily.' She visibly relaxed as if she was waiting for her S.A.T scores and found she done brilliantly. 'Now to find a swimsuit.'

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