Chapter Three

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I reached the pier the next day about 6 minutes early, surprised when I heard the guys already there. “Hurry up! We’re leavin’ soon!” There’s the English one.

“Hey, she’s here.” A voice came from behind me. I hear heavy footsteps walk close.

“Hello, Senor Ross.”

“Hey. We’re just about to leave. You got your stuff?”


“Alright, let’s get it loaded and---”

“Actually, I prefer to keep it with me. Safer that way.”

“Alright. Whatever you want.” He leads me to the plane and lets me sit close to the cockpit. I let my legs relax into a lotus position and meditate. Soon we take off, and before you know it, we’re over Albania.

Just a Project-Redone (An Expendables fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu