Chapter One-- Meet Mallory

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Chapter One is dedicated to @ForeverJoker for the amazing banner! :D Kudos to her! If you need a cover, check out ForeverJoker Deisgns!

This chapters song is 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction! When you get into the chapter, you'll find out why.

Just a heads up, Chapter Two will be updated once I get 15 comments and 20 votes!

Chapter One-- Meet Mallory

As I turn on the shower to get ready for the most important visit of my life to the college of my dreams, the one where world famous Vivianne Lanter went and now she's living in Paris earning millions, my father calls me.

"Yes dad!" I reply back.

"What would you like for breakfast sweetheart? June has started to make mine, and wondered what you'd like."

June is my butler, but she's more like my mom. I spend so much time with her and she's always at home, I sometimes call her mom.

"Just pancakes and bacon" I call down the stairs.

I strip free from my clothes and let my hair run free to step into the shower.

--- After the shower

I wrap the bleach white towel around my body and tromp into my room and seek my closet. I easily picked out short dress that had a purple waistband and was a light pink dress, strapless, with ruffles.

Wriggling the dress on, I walk back to the bathroom to do my hair. I comb through the mess of a hair and blow dry each and every strand.

I plug the curling iron into the electric outlet and climb down the stairs to see if my breakfast was ready.

"Hey there, Mallory Marie. Your breakfast is on the table. Hurry and eat before it becomes too cold." June told me.

"I'm eatin'." I replied already shoving my face into the bacon.

"Glad you love the bacon."

"Oh it's awesome!"

I pour a good amount of the syrup onto my pancakes to make it not too soggy but no too dry.

After I finished my breakfast I went back up to my room to curl my hair. I'm unlucky. I have long brown hair so it takes forever to curl all of it.

Carefully doing strand after strand of hair, I finally finished and decided to get ready to head for the college. Even though I'll only be there for less than a year, I still need to get in. It could change my whole career.

Grabbing my new Vivianne Lanter purse, and placing my lipstick, eye shadow and blush into my bag, as well as my wallet and a few granola bars.

I head downstairs to leave.

"June, I'm going to go now!" I call to June.

"Great! Have fun!"


I hop in my red 2012 Calabri Convertible. I turn up my favorite station, 105.3, I listen to One Direction's new hit, What Makes You Beautiful.

I smile as Zayn's part comes on, as he's my favorite out of all five. When the song is over, I look at the preprogrammed GPS, that June had set up for me, said that I still have another three hours until I get there.

I guess June was right. It was smart to wake up at six, as I was due to be there at Noon. That way, I won't get lost, and I will be there early to impress the professors.

--------- The Institution

I pull into the parking lot to find it so beautiful. There were perfectly straight rows of flowers aligned to greet you as you enter the building and a doorman, as well as another man who made me stop my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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