The Beginning

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Winry stood there shocked on what she said and what he said. "Sorry" she said. She then turned away and started to walk away. 'Why did I do that? Why do I have to be so stupid. Why is he so short?'. "Oh great" she said. Winry was about to start to break down in tears. Winry hesitated but she did it's any way. "Ed wait!" She said running after him. "Look I am sorry! Ok?" Winry yelled. She stoped him by grabbing his arm. "I mean it and when ever you break your auto mail I will fix it. I promise"

"Hmph." Edward closed his eyes and turned his head away from her. "I dunno Winry. You haven't been very nice lately have you? Maybe I don't want my automail fixed." He peeked open one of his eyes to glance at her.

Winry eyes immediately filled with tears. "I said I was sorry! If u don't want me to fix ur automail I won't. I will be leaving now I guess" she said running away holding back her tears. Once she got behind a building she started to break down. "Crap" she said "it's raining.".

"Geez what is she getting so moody about.." Ed grumbled to himself as he followed her. "Winry stop being a negative electron and pushing yourself away from me." He clapped his hands and placed them on the ground as wall as rose up around Winry. With the walls up she couldn't run this time as he transmuted a door in one of the walls and walked inside.

"Yo." Ed gave her a small wave.

"What do you want? Do you want to tell me that my automail that I made you is crapy?! Or that I am a bit- female dog." She said. Winry turned around looking away from him. "Just go away." She said. Winry looked down thinking of what life would be like if she never knew him. Would it be better or worse or the same.

He rolled his eyes and crouched down by her. "When have I ever told you your automail was bad? All I said was I don't want you to repair it because it won't break again by the time I get my body back. Stop jumping to conclusions Winry, is that all you're upset about?"

"It's nothing you should be worried about. It's just ed I am sorry that I am rude, mean, and a jerk. I really don't mean to be. I am sorry..." Winry said. She attempted to hid her face because she started to cry. But she fail at hide it but she didn't know that.

Edward closed his eyes and sighed before reaching out and patting her head. "Didn't I tell you to stop crying? There's nothing to cry about Winry." He lowered his hand and started to wipe her tears away.

Winry blushed and lifting up her left hand taking his hand that he was wiping away her tears with. "C-can You j-just h-h-h-hold me. I really wish my grandma was here to let me vent to but she not so the best you can do is h-h-hold me." She said with her face turning complete red.
"Eh? Geez Winry I told you that you don't need to get so worked up about everything.." He sighed before he slowly wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her towards him. "Clam down will ya?"

"Thank you" she said. "Its just when I bottle up all the stuff that I have to deal with that stresses me out some times I just can't bottle them out and I start to cry" She explained. "I am sorry" Winry said. She started to calm down and relax she then wrapped her arms around him hugging him.

To be continue and also (y/n) this is still a work in progress)

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