CHAPTER 18: The return of Taichi? 1/3

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Kai: Get away from me! No matter what you do, I'm not your son!

Dr. Anzu: You will not say it again

Yamato: Stop! - Angry scream, trying to break free

Moonmilleniummon had his eyes closed, and when he placed it in front of Kai, he opened his eyes and a purple light fell from inside.

Yamato: Stop! Taichi!!

Just as the doctor approached the piece of glass to Kai, Garurumon jumped between them and with his fangs, attacked Nanomon's arms and then Agumon threw a ball of fire that brushed the doctor's hands forcing to release the crystal and Moonmilleniummon .

Garurumon managed to free Yamato and Kai, and as soon as he did, he threw a great flare in front of the doctor and the others, creating a wall of fire so he could flee.

Yamato: Kai! -He said worriedly as he helped him get up from the floor, but when he went to his aid, he was very sore, did not open his eyes or say anything, only expressed a lot of pain-You have to get out of here

He held him by both arms and helped him run as fast as possible while Garurumon and Agumon followed behind.


The digimon companions of all evolved to be able to stop Chaosmon and Lordknightmon, they tried to be as cautious as possible to avoid causing disasters to the surroundings since what Mastemon told them was true, the Digital World is fragile and could commit any accident to destroy the island.

Daisuke: They are too strong, we have to do something now -he said as he pulled out his D-3 and looked at Ken

Both aimed their D-3 at Exveemon and Stingmon and made the DNA evolution, with that, they managed to retain Lordknightmon, attacked him with force and threw him into the sky.

Ken: Keep it up!

Koushiro: They are still strong, we must find a way to get them away from us so we can meet with Yamato-san and Taichi-san

Takeru: Even if you say it, how do we do that? The speed that both digimon possess is incredible

Then, a strong gust of wind came out against the area and, as if teleporting, saw a digimon appear just behind Chaosmon and attacked him with a huge sword, throwing him to the ground.

Iori: What was that?

Mastemon: That was a real gentleman

Moosemon: It was Alphamon

Then, when Lordknightmon was about to counterattack the digimon attacks, a second digimon appeared and kicked him in the back, throwing him in the same direction as Chaosmon.

Sora: Another digimon?

Gennai: It was Dynasmon

Dukemon: We are very sorry for the delay and forcing them to fight against them. Chosen Children - He said coming from heaven

Joe: Dukemon

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