1: Casual Flirting

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This story might not be as good as the Bertholdt Yandere story, but you never know. That one started off pretty bad, but by the end I loved it. So maybe this one will be good, too. We just need to wait and see, I guess. Just like the last book, I'll be having questions at the end. (Let's see if anyone actually answers them in this story, lol)

Let's do this!

(Your POV)

I smiled to myself as I read over the letter my parents had written to me. Even though everyone else my room had gone to sleep already, I was still up. I couldn't help it. I was just so excited! I hadn't heard from my family in a while, since it was hard to get letters out of Wall Sina.

But here it was, a three-page long letter talking about everything that was happening back at home. They wrote about everything, from what my little brother was doing nowadays, and what they've been doing without me there.

I had read it at least five times, and I had almost memorized it.

I miss them so much! I thought to myself, and I pulled out a pen and paper to write back to them. My hand moved over the paper, smudging the ink a bit, since I was left-handed. (I feel your pain, girl)

I wrote about how hard training was, how bland the food tasted, and about how strict Shadis was. Then I told them about the view looked like when I was in my gear, and about a the friends I had made. I saved the best for last: Reiner.

I blushed just thinking about him.

The blonde haired cadet was literally the hottest guy I had ever seen. The best part was that he seemed to like me back. It was hard to tell, since he was a bit of a flirt, but I think I'm different.

I signed my name at the bottom of the page, and left a tiny heart, too, so they knew for sure it was from me. Then I folded it up, and blew out the candle I was using for light.

Now in the pitch dark, I felt around from my bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake up Mikasa, and once I did, I crawled under my covers. Outside the window, crickets chirped, the sound quickly making my eyelids droop.

I was asleep within minutes.

~ ~ ~

"Good morning, Mikasa," I said, rubbing sleep from my eyes. "How'd you sleep?"

She looked at me, her expression blank. "Fine."

I rolled my eyes, not letting her coldness get to me. She could be as rude as she wanted. It couldn't kill my mood. Honestly, nothing could.

Some people said I was annoying, since I was always so happy, but I brushed those comments off as well. I'm just a positive person. I can't change it, and I don't want too.

I quickly got ready, already feeling awake. I was a morning person.

When training time rolled around, I was eager to start. I grew even more excited when I found out that we were going to work on our vertical maneuver gear. I loved to use it, since I felt like I was flying. Plus, I was pretty good at it.

I began to put on my harness, tightening the straps until the were snug. Then I pulled out my blades, ready to start practice.

"That will not be necessary, (L/n)," the instructor said, and I sighed.

"Fine," I said, and sheathed my weapons. "We never get to have fun."

"You'll get to use them soon enough," a familiar, masculine voice said from behind me. A grin spread on my face when I heard it.

"Hey," I said to Reiner, and he smiled in response.

"How are you doing today, Steel-Foot?"

I snickered. "Just fine, Princess. How about you? I didn't cripple you, did I?"

You might be confused, and that's because you weren't there yesterday. I'll explain what happened. Basically, we were training, and we had hand-to-hand combat. Reiner made the mistake of pairing up with me. After he won like twenty times in a row, I got sick of it. So, I kicked him. Straight in the nuts. Yeah...let's say he didn't appreciate that too much.

But hey, I won that round.

So yeah, that's what happened. Surprisingly, he wasn't angry at me. In fact, since then, he's been following me around. I might've found that annoying if he was so darn hot.

Since he was hot, though, I didn't have an issue with it.

"Do you want to train with me again, or do you not trust me anymore?" I asked, trying to look innocent. That made him laugh, which was what I was going for.

"Oh no, I definitely don't trust you. However, I'd be honored to train with you. Even though you've got the kick of a horse, you're still way more pretty than one," he said, giving me a flirty wink.

I giggled. "Well thank you. I'd say the same thing, but...."

He gently punched me in the arm. "Hey, don't be rude."

"Stop flirting, cadets, and finish getting ready for training. Would you like to be on cleaning duty tonight?" Shadis snapped, and an evil smirk grew on Reiner's lips.

"Alone time with (Y/n) and I? That doesn't sound too bad."

I gasped, my face going bright red when I realized what he was suggesting. I elbowed him, and he grunted, raising an eyebrow at me.

"What is it?"

"Shut up!" I exclaimed, trying to hide my blush. "Don't talk about me like that!"

"Sorry," he said with a chuckle. "Now let's go, or Shadis might kill us and feed us to the titans."

What do you think, yay or nay so far? I'm not super into it yet.

Maybe it's because I don't like Reiner as much. He is in my top ten favorite characters, but I don't like him nearly as much as I like Bertholdt. Well, hopefully it'll get better soon.

Let's see, question....

Ooh, I have one!

If you could be any of the nine titan shifters, which one would you be?

My favorite titan is the armored, but I'd prefer to be Jaw Titan. Mostly, because I'm scared of heights (I probably pass out if I turned into the Colossal Titan!) and it's one of the smaller titans, but I do like the design of it as well. Probably not a popular choice, but eh, whatever.

I won't be updating this story as much as the first one, sorry.

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