Chapter 2

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The trio got out of the car and headed into the army base. "Whoa..." Ben observed in amazement, his mouth partially open. "This place is bigger than the last time we were here!"

"Last time?" Kevin asked, confused.

"We came here once to protect a Plumbers' base with our grandpa and a few teammates when we were 10," Gwen replied, thinking back to when they fought the Negative 10.

Ben looked at her. "Isn't that when we fought-"

"Yes. I remember too, Ben," Gwen interrupted. "I just hope they won't decide to-"

"Come back? Too late for that, Gwenny," a familiar voice interrupted her. They all turned to see a silver haired woman with a purple and pink outfit on. A red hooded man with a skull for a face was next to her, both of them smirking.

"Hex and Charmcaster!" Ben exclaimed, getting his Omnitrix ready.

"It's nice to see you still remember us, Benjamin," Hex sneered, firing at the trio with his staff as Gwen threw up a mana shield.

"Get inside!" Gwen ordered, firing back. "I'll handle these two!"

"You sure?" Kevin asked, absorbing steel.

"Yes! Now go! I've dealt with these two before!"

"Kevin, let's go!" Ben shouted, taking his friend's arm and hurrying over to the door.

"Gwen, be careful!" Kevin yelled, looking back at her. She nodded and turned back to her enemies.

"It's two against one," Charmcaster sneered, nodding once at Hex, who fired again.

"You act like I'm scared of you two. I'm not. Ben and I grew up and got over our fears," Gwen replied, dodging the attack and firing her own again.

"I see you're part Anodite," Hex observed, smirking.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" Gwen snapped.

"It means more power for us!" he announced, raising his staff.

Ben 10 Alien Force Return to the Fountain of YouthWhere stories live. Discover now