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Brinley was sure that something changed in her environment as soon as she woke up the next morning.

Everything felt...weird and different.

The air was unnaturally thick and when she moved around she swore she saw a glitch in the matrix.

But considering the weird dream she had the other night, she wasn't surprised. She still thought it weird that the Prescott boy said her name in the exact same tone and the exact same way as it did in her dream. It gave her a bad vibe.

It was Saturday, no school, so Brinley decided to take a walk outside.

Brinley grabbed a jacket and put it on, walking out the door.

As she walked around her neighborhood, she noticed everything was a bit...glitchy.

She was not joking.

Everywhere she looked, it glitched like an old school tv. It freaked her out. She was getting a headache.

She had to get out of there. So she turned on her heel and started to speed walk her way home.

That's when things w e n t i n s l o w m o t i o n.

And she blacked out.


Brinley woke up in her house. The same exact way she had before.

She felt a weird pressure on her chest and felt like she couldn't breathe.

She scrambled out of bed and checked the alarm clock beside her on the bedside table.

It was morning.

What the heck? She thought, confused.

She looked around and literally everything glitched and turned black for a split second.

She shook her head. She fELt aS iF shE wAs GoinG CRazY.

Okay, calm down Brinley, just figure out what's going on. It'll be okay. She reassured herself.

And she did.


Halley was scared.

She was in a weird, very weird place.

There were people in odd clothing..

Weird buildings that reached up into the clouds...

Why was she here?

She didn't understand.

What was this place?

Halley didn't exactly remember how she got there. She didn't remember who she was.

She didn't remember anything other than her name and that the place she was in wasn't the place she was before. She wasn't in the right time period.

Halley wandered around and around. From building to building. From street to street.

Finally, she stopped in front of a house. A pretty, white, house, a number on the house marking 1914.

This seemed familiar to Halley, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

She didn't know why, but she had the urge to knock.

So that's what she did.


Something was terribly wrong here. Yes, Brinley knew this.


She conducted a few google searches to see what it says, and hypothetically when the matrix glitches or there is a time loop, it could mean someone has traveled in time.

And Brinley knew that this wasn't a credible source of information, but it's all she had to go with.

Whether this person traveled forward in time or backward, it could be really, really bad.

And for some reason, this is affecting only her from what she can tell.

Why only her?

She didn't get it.

This wasn't going to end well.

No, not at all.

Brinley decided to spend all morning in her house.

There's no way she was going to outside just to wake up in her bed all over over again or worse.




Three times. Three times she heard that knock. Brinley quickly scrambled to the door, peeking through the keyhole.

A little girl stood on the other side. She had long, blonde hair, green eyes, and was dressed in what looked like early 20th century clothing. This girl looked disoriented and confused, but also scared.

Brinley opened the door.

"Hello..?" She quietly greeted the young girl, who was staring at her with a bewildered look.

The girl didn't answer, just stared.

Brinley cleared her throat.

"Hello? Are you okay, sweetie?" Brinley asked her in a gentle voice.

The girl seemed to snap out of her trance. She looked up at Brinley with an apologetic look.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know why I'm here, I'm just-" The girl rambled.

"Who are you? You look sick, are you okay? Do you need help?" Brinley started bombarding her with questions, gripping her shoulders with a look of concern in her eyes. She always had the tendency to be overprotective and motherly over people, so this wasn't a new thing for her to do.

The young girl just looked at Brinley with terrified eyes. Brinley quickly let go of her.

"I'm so, so, sorry." Brinley apoligized, brushing the girl's shoulders off.

The girl just gave an awkward smile.

"It's okay...but...who are you? The girl asked, tilting her head, "and what and when is this place?"

Brinley looked at the girl oddly.

"What do you mean, what and when is this place?" Brinley asked her, confused.

The girl stared right into Brinley's eyes.

"I mean, what year is it?"

One Goes Running (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now