Chapter One:

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"Lacey?" I said in a hoarse voice.

"Mel! This party sucks without you! Get your ass over here!" She answered.

Party? I checked the clock on my nightstand and it was one and a half in the morning. I was just having the time of my life sleeping peacefully when my annoying best friend Lacey decided to call.

It was Saturday and it's the only day of the week when I can really relax since my week days are filled with work from school and other important girl stuff. On Saturdays I just spend the day not doing much.

"I already told you earlier that I didn't want to go to Darcy's house." I retorted.

"Pfft. Don't mind her!" She laughed.

"I'm still not going, Lace. I'm tired and not in the mood." I rubbed my eyes.

"Well see here's the thing . . . My parents are away on a business trip and I just hitched a ride with Kathy to get here and I think I'm so drunk right now so . . ." She stopped.

"Are you serious?" I grunted.

"Yup!" She said, popping the 'p'. "Please just come and party!" She pleaded. "Oh and that guy you've been dating in the basketball team lately . . What's his name, Kent or Ken, I don't really know. He's here!" She added.

"Ugh why the hell would I want to go?" I asked, annoyed.

"Because he has been asking me over and over if you were coming. Man, you got that boy whipped, Mel." She laughed.

"Ugh, he's freaking clingy that's what." I rolled my eyes. "I just find him cute."

"Just come on and have fun with me, your bestfriend!" She emphasized the word 'bestfriend'.

I was silent for a few seconds, debating whether I should go or shouldn't.

"Hey, you still awake?" Lacey asked.

I roll my eyes and sighed. "Fine but we're going home before three. Got it?" I ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Then she hung up.

I got up and headed for the bathroom.


In the end I just decided to wear something less revealing since it was cold outside and I wouldn't even be long gone. I didn't brush my short hair thoroughly because I was in a rush but it still looked good even if it was a bit of a mess. It actually looked good on me, it matches the fiery red color of my hair. It looked like my hair was flames.

No one's home much except me anyway. My father's always on business trips but he still makes time to come home. I got in my car and drove off.

Minutes later I was at Darcy's house. I know where it is since I used to come here often. There was a few people at the front yard. I walked to the porch and knocked on the door. The door opened and saw Darcy.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, frowning.

"Umm this is the party isn't it?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Well, here's the thing, you're not invited." She smiled sarcastically.

"Too bad 'cause I'm still coming in." I shrugged.

"And I forbid yo- Hey!" I pushed past her and entered, smiling.

I have no time for her drama right now. I need to enjoy myself while there's still time. I was searching through the crowds until I saw a familiar brunette. I pushed past the crowd and walked up to Lacey who was actually dancing with Danny, her current boyfriend or fling.

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