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"You're like a star"

"But stars fade away eventually"

Liam looks away, instead focusing on the light ripples in the water, cause by the July breeze. Zayn really was his star. Maybe because they spent countless hours sitting in their secret spot, gazing up at the sparkly night sky.

Zayn loved stars. He knew that after he died he would be one as well, and would watch over Liam. That thought always made him feel better. Like dying might be worth it.

"You won't fade away yet..."

Liam whispers in the darkness, shifting a bit closer to Zayn.

"God wants me to leave because I tried to take something."

"What.....what did you try to take?"

"I wanted to give you a star. So when I leave you won't be alone. But if I give you a star, the moon will be jealous. You told me you want a star. I want to give you the whole sky."

The stars twinkle and the moon casts a pale glow, illuminating the tears softly slipping down Liam's cheeks.

"You can't keep leaving the hospital Z"

"I don't like it there. I don't like doctors. I want to be free. I don't wanna be inside. I wanna watch the stars with you."

"Im sorry. I can't always watch the stars with you."

"Then I wanna be with the stars. I will be soon"
"He left again. "

No shit.

Liam tries to calm down, but he's rather angry at doctor Leah.

"Mr. Payne, do you have any idea why he keeps leaving?"

"To look at the stars."

"That's ridiculous! He will not be able to get better if he doesn't listen! If, God forbid, he doesn't survive, you can't blame us. We can't treat the patient if he isn't even here!"

"Just shut up! He's already dying! Just let him be himself! Let him do what makes him happy, let his last days be happy! And I can tell you positively, the miserable feeling he gets in this place will kill him sooner! His treatment will be bloody useless, and then I will blame you!"

"Mr. Payne, please try and understand-"

"Shut up! If he doesn't come, I will certainly not be forcing him."

Liam walks out angrily, fuming at doctor Leah. Why did they want to do this to Zayn? Liam knew where Zayn had run off to. His secret place.

He is lying on his back when Liam walks over. His eyes meet Liam's and he smiles sadly. Liam joins him in the grass and stares at the sky. There are billions of little stars glowing, making the sky seem fuller than before.

Zayn points at a spot in the sky.

"That's where I'll go"

Liam knows. Zayn needs to go back to the hospital. He needs to be under proper medical attention and follow the doctors instructions. But Liam can't send him back. After being there for months, he slowly began dying inside, and no treatment was going to fix that.

Except stars.

"Am I still a star to you Liam?"


"But stars are supposed to live for years, definitely more than what I've lived"

"Zayn you're not dead....stop saying that"

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