Chapter 11: Are You Gonna Help?

Start from the beginning

They walked back to the apartment buildings. Akiyoshi and Ichiko were standing in front of the door. "Thank you,"Mari said to Guren.

    "For what?"

     "For everything,"

"Just stay away from Kureto. If he finds out. He'll probably use you for his experiments,"Guren warned.

"I know. I noticed,"Mari smiled weakly.

"Hey Mari! The helicopters are coming!" Akiyoshi called as she started walking towards Mari.

Mari looked at Guren,"Until then,"She smiled as she walked away.

Guren walked the other way. Taking everything she told him, slowly. But he still wanted to know more.

"Mari,"Akiyoshi smiled,"Let's go."

     "Ok, I can't believe your happy today,"Mari laughed,"What happened when I was gone."

     Ichiko turned red. He looked away. Mari smiled,"Oh my god,did you guys..."

"Yes we did,"Ichiko Said as he turned.

Akiyoshi smirked,"I had to make the first move."

    "Finally, But I thought Ichiko would do it. Since he used to be a player..".  

     "Hey those days ended for me,"Ichiko interrupted. 

     "True, I guess everyone changed after the war in China,"Akiyoshi smiled hoping to never remember that terrible war. 

       "Yea we did,"Mari said as she saw a helicopter pass by them. More helicopters passed. Mari started to walk towards them. Akiyoshi and Ichiko followed.

      But Mari hated hearing about that stupid war. She wished she never went. It changed her completely. Poor, Akiyoshi saw her big brother die. Ichiko lost Ichiya and so did Mari. Mari also lost Reina(The First Commander before her). Reina treated Mari like a daughter. And so did Captain Era. They treated her well. They didn't treat her like she was a monster. They treated her like she was one of them.

     Mari,Akiyoshi and Ichiko were near the helicopters. Mari hated the sound of those helicopters.  

    "First Commander,"The pilot said as he came out of the helicopter.

      "Yes?" Mari said strictly.

    "We brought the supplies you wanted . And Captain Era made me give this for you,"he took out a letter as he explained it to Mari. 

    Mari grabbed it. She opened it.

Dear Mari,
    I know, you want your space. But it's time you returned. In nine days,there will be a meeting where all the Chinese Groups will come together. The Russians will be there too. The Senior Major Captain wants to reform you that he wants you to bring the Japanese with you. He wants to make sure the peace is true. So please join us. 
           Sincerely, Captain Era
Also kid, I left you kids a gift. Hope you enjoy.. and please don't give it to Arosa.

Mari smiled,"That damn old lady."

"What was it about?" Akiyoshi Asked curiously.

"She probably brought us some tea or some 'refreshments',"Mari joked.

"Really!? Yes!" Akiyoshi smiled,"We can bring it in drink or don't drink tonight."

Ichiko facepalm,"Please don't play that game."

"Why not its fun,"Akiyoshi smiled.

"Remember back in the training days, when we all use to play that. I got drunk.." Ichiko tried telling hoping they would never do it again.

"Yea, yea I remember. You threw up on me. So kicked your ass,"Akiyoshi Said crossing her arms.

"You guys are so complicated. It's funny though.."

"Why?" They both Asked Mari.

"Because your always smiling as you remember your past." Mari smiled weakly as she walked towards the back of the helicopter and started getting the supplies.

Akiyoshi and Ichiko realized they made Mari a little sad as she would be remembered of her past.

"Hey Mari?" Ichiko called her.

"Yea?" Mari said as she turned.

"What do you still think of my brother?" He Asked.

Mari stopped. She hesitated to speak. She didn't want remember the past.

"Are you gonna help me or not?" Mari turned away.

Owari no seraph:The Half Humans {editing/continuing}Where stories live. Discover now