Trouble X Trouble

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Lovinia's POV

feel the fresh air of the airport. Japan, I'm coming. I thought.

"my little sister, this is your first time going somewhere alone, right?" James asked.

"Mm." I nodded. "I'm nervous." I said honestly. 

"Don't be. if you don't know the way, just ask for directions. " James said which I nodded in response again. "oh, right!" James took his wallet from his pocket. "Here." He handed me few bills. 

"its fine. I still have some money left." I assured.

"This is just little. Convert it and eat something delicious with this money when you reach Tokyo. Don't starve yourself." he said. Ah~ since when did my brother grow up? I thought.

I can't help myself but smile looking at how my brother has finally grow up. "Don't worry. I'll come back as soon as I can. It  would be just short, as if three days was just one." I assured. For I know how coward he could be alone in the house sometimes.

We hugged and bid my goodbye before boarding in the plane.

I got in a business class. Based on my ticket, i'm heading to Tokyo in business class with no worries. James said everything is settled and all accommodations are for free from the hotel down to the meals.

and so I seat with no worries. 

I look outside the window. Apparently, i'm still on the ground. I get this tingly feeling inside me. I guess, I'm just too excited. 

I felt someone sitting beside me. I looked at the person with a bright smile. "Oh my!" I exclaimed. murmurs here and there were heard from the ladies. "Are you Christian? You're Christian, right?" I asked. 

He just smiled in response. He shut his eyes close and put on his earphones. "Well, its nice to meet you." I mumbled. He's too cold. I thought.

After awhile, the stewardess started to give us our food. I was shock at how wonderful the dish were made and it was full course. I just keep on shoving things in my mouth. Every thing that I eat was delicious. It feels like the food just melts in my mouth. "um, excuse me. You should try eating the stake. it's really delicious!" I told Christian. He just looked at me then at my plate. "Aren't you going to eat it?" I asked.

"Go ahead." he said.

"Do you want this soup instead? We can trade." I said.

"just take it." he said coldly.

I smiled, "Thank you." then took the stake from his plate. He finished eating before I do. After eating, I also watched a movie on the screen in front of me, but I felt the urge to talk to someone. I turned to Christian who was concentrating on watching a movie too. "Is this your first time in a plane?" 

"Does it look like it's my first time?" he said sarcastically. 

I smiled, "I guess not. Well, this is my first time riding a plane alone. And I guess I haven't get used to it yet. It has been so long since I've ride a plane. I think I was on my tenth grade when I last ride a plane. Or was it eight grade?"

"Could we please ride in silence?" he asked, the expression on his face shows his a little bit pissed off.

"Of course." I answered. 

Just then, the plane starts to shake a lot. I squealed and grab the handle of the chair. After few seconds, it stopped and I realized I was gripping on his arm and not the handle of the chair. He took his arms away from mine snappily.

I smiled in embarassment, but eventually ended up vomiting too. 

"What the hell! he said.

My eyes grew wide. oh my gosh! what did I do? I threw up on him! "I'm so sorry! I'm so-" and another vomit came out. 

One Summer, I Met TroubleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon