A bit about Cameron

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Cameron's POV

The boys at the top of the stairs showed me to our room. The shorter brown haired boy smiled softly at me, the other two just had mischievous grins on their faces. We walked a very short distance and I heard behind us the other boys from the stairs running towards their room, they seemed to be having issues with the boys from my room. When we got to the room, the blonde boy opened the door and let us inside. They told me to put my stuff down in the room to the left so I did. I saw on other suitcase in there, I guessed I would be sharing with the brown haired boy. I went out into the living room area and the boys were sat down on the sofa. I had to sit on a bean bag.

'So what's your name?' The blonde boy asked

'Cameron. Cameron Dallas.'

'Awesome, I'm Jack, and this is Jack.' How on earth was I going to be able to call one without the other one looking. 'But everyone calls me Johnson and him Gilinsky.'

'I can remember that, hello, Jack and Jack,' Gilinsky looked at me funny before turning on the TV.

'And I'm Shawn.' The other brown haired boy said. I turned to face him and he smiled.

'Hi Shawn.'

'Im the one you'll be sharing a room with.'


'Yeah, I suppose it is.'

'Do you have any other style of clothes?' Gilinsky asked me.

'Ummm. No.' I replied honestly.

'We will be taking you out shopping tomorrow then.' Johnson said.

I smiled at the thought of going shopping with people, they might think I have friends. I'm constantly bullied, I have been all my life. I don't know if it's because of how I dress or how I act or what but wherever I go I am constantly bullied. That's why I was sent away to college so that none of my biggest bullies would be near me, I just hope I don't find any more here.

'Have you ever had a girlfriend?' Gilinsky asked me

'One. She was called Alexa. No one liked her. But I thought she was different. Then puberty started and she became a right whore and she became rather bitchy.' I said

'Fair enough, are you a virgin?' Johnson asked

'I don't think he needs to answer that.' Shawn said quickly

'Yes I'm a virgin.' I said. Shawn rolled his eyes and slunk back in his chair slightly. I saw Jack and Jack look at each other. They both smiled, it gave me chills.

'Tell you what, it's your first night here. Pick any girl from in that yearbook over there and we will get her to have sex with you in about, half hour. You can't be a virgin here Cameron, you're behind everyone else.' Gilinsky said. I highly doubted that everybody here wasn't a virgin. Shawn didn't look like that type, and not all of the other boys on the stairs looked like that type. I didn't get a clear view of them though. I was thrown the yearbook so I tried to find the plainest looking girl in the book. I came across a Sandra Green who looked like a girl version of me.

'Her.' I said. Pointing down to Sandra. Johnson laughed.

'We said any girl, you can have one of the hot ones if you want?' Truth is, I didn't want to have sex with anybody. I've always wanted to lose it to someone special.

'Im ok thank you.' I said, I didn't want to talk to them anymore so I ran into my bedroom and sat on my bed. I found my pyjamas and quickly out them on, and I did it just in time because Shawn came in a second after I had finished. He looked at me and smiled, he always seems to smile, but his smile lights up his face.

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