Xuli's POV-part 2-remembering

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10 years ago, Spain

Where am I!? Definitely not in Jetpad!
I wasn't in my room anymore but I think I knew where I was.. Spain? But this was before I left for Australia! I could feel something in my hand and knew instantly what it was, a picture of my family.
All these years of looking for this and now I've found it! We were on a holiday in Hawaii, my mum on my left, my dad on my right and my siblings hugging me from both directions.. now I can never have those moments again

"Guys! Is anyone there!?"

There were a lot of people but none of them even noticed me

"That's strange, it's just like I'm invisible!"

I walked in front of people and they still didn't notice me! So I began to wonder why no one could see me.. that's when a little boy walked right through me!

"What just happened!?"

Then it hit me

"Some of the past might not turn out to be good"

Then could that mean.. I've been sucked into some sort of flashback or memory of when.. oh dear
I realised it was the day that the plane me and my parents were on crashed

"I should've died along with them but.."

I couldn't finish because before I knew it, I was falling to the ground and I blacked out


"Uhh.. whatever this is, it needs to stop"

I rubbed my head, cleared my vision and then got up. But I regretted it after, I was in the plane again!
Oh my gosh someone wake me up from this nightmare! I can't take anymore of this!

"Please stay calm and put your life jackets on"

The lady on the speaker said while I ran to the back of the plane
I'm not really Xuli from the Go jetters right now but I think I'm the Xuli ten years ago when I was 7. My white pigtails hanging off my shoulders and my purple t-shirt
I looked out the window and saw the ground getting closer and closer when..


Ok this is too much! Where even am I!?
I looked around and saw grass and trees so I must've been on the ground but everyone, my family, everything wasn't there, I was lost in the middle of a forest.
I was only 7 and I was hurt badly, oh I wish I couldn't feel everything that I felt a few years ago

"This is exactly what happened the day after the crash! Ohh this hurts!"

Why did my childhood end like this?

Next chapter yay! Well I hope you like it since I have tons of homework to catch up on! Anyway this is just the start!


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