Chapter One

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           Harry Potter sighed as he looked around the Great Hall, wincing at the pain in his side. He was pretty sure he had at least one broken rib. A “Welcome Back” gift from Ron and a few other Gryffindors. He wasn’t even sure what he’d done wrong this time. It’d been this way ever since fifth year, when the Department of Mysteries incident happened. Apparently his “friends” were convinced he was dangerous and this was their way of keeping him in line.

          The worst part was he couldn’t even go to anyone for help. Sirius was dead, Remus blamed him for what happened, Dumbledore was convinced it was just a little “spat”, and McGonagall flat out refused her lions would be vicious to another Housemate. The one time he went to Pomphrey, the woman had told him if he was going to get into a fight, to just take responsibility and stop blaming everyone else.

           Not wanting to face his Housemates, the 7th year had gone to breakfast early. After a few minutes of picking at his eggs, Harry stood up and limped out of the Great Hall to his first class, Potions. In the Entrance Hall, he froze. Ron, Dean, and Seamus were standing in front of a terrified first year Slytherin. Slowly, he made his way over to them.

          “You don’t even deserve to be here,” Ron hissed. The little girl was trembling. She had platinum blonde hair, pulled into a french braid, and grey-blue eyes. In short, she looked almost identical to Draco Malfoy. Gathering his courage, he stepped in front of the girl. “Harry,” Ron growled warningly. Harry took a deep breath and met Ron’s furious gaze.

          “She has every right to be here,” Harry said softly, trying to hide his fear. Ron was about to say something but instead, obviously not wanting to do something with so many witnesses, he turned and stalked into the Great Hall. Dean and Seamus followed. Harry turned to the girl.

           "Hi,” he said with a gentle smile. “I’m Harry Potter.”

          "A...Alana M...Malfoy,” she whispered. Harry hid his surprise.

          “Nice to meet you, Alana.”

          Draco Malfoy sat at the Slytherin Table, worriedly scanning the Hall for his sister. Just as he was about to go searching for her, Alana came in holding the hand of none other than Harry Potter. He frowned when he saw the tears on her pretty face. He watched, shocked, as Potter knelt, whispered in her ear, and hugged her. Then Potter stood up and left quickly, while Alana came running over and sat next to him.

          “Are you okay?” he asked quietly, filling her plate. She shrugged and started eating. “Alana?” She looked at him and sighed.

          "I ran into three Gryffindors,” she began slowly.

          “What did Potter do?” he growled. She shook her head quickly.

          “Not him,” she replied. “Somebody named Weasley and two other boys.” Draco took a few deep breaths to cool his temper. “Weasley was really angry. He told me I didn’t deserve to be here. That’s when Harry stepped in front of me.” Draco raised an eyebrow. “He told Weasley that I have every right to be here.” The others left and he walked me here to make sure I was safe.” Alana smiled.

          Draco sighed again. He would never understand how his sister got into Slytherin. She was quiet, smiled a lot, and was way too trusting. The only reason she probably got into Slytherin was because she was a Malfoy and the hat knew no other House would accept her. Luckily, the other Slytherins accepted her, even though she had a different type of personality. Draco looked up at his sister and ruffled her hair, causing her to giggle.

          Harry took a deep breath as he slipped into the common room and silently made his way to the dorms. Classes were over for the day, as was dinner, and Harry hoped that Ron had forgotten the “incident” that happened that morning. He was halfway to the stairs when he felt a hand grab his shoulder and he was turned around, harshly.

          “You didn't think I would forget this morning, did you?” Ron hissed. He suddenly grinned and Harry took a step back. “I think we need to up the punishment, don't you?” Dean and Seamus both laughed.

         “Please,” Harry whispered but they ignored him as they dragged him to the dorm.

         Hermione Granger took a deep breath and walked into the castle. She'd stayed home the first week of school because her mom had just died and she wasn't ready to face anyone.

         Hearing noise from the Great Hall, she realized it was dinner time. Leaving her trunk for the House Elves, she hurried in, a smile lighting her face when she saw a familiar ravenhaired boy at the Gryffindor Table. She frowned when she saw his grimace of pain and the fact that he was sitting alone worried her. Straightening her shoulders, she sat across from him. Harry slowly looked up and blinked when he saw her.

         “Hey Harry,” she said softly and he gave a slight smile.

         “Hi Hermione,” he replied. “I'm sorry about your mom.” Hermione shrugged.

         “I stayed home for my dad.” She hesitated and then spoke again. “My mom and I...we didn't get along. Ever since I started here.” Harry nodded sympathetically, knowing how she felt. “So how have you been?” She asked, changing the subject. Harry shrugged. Before she could say anymore, she heard someone shouting Harry's name. A young girl came running over. Hermione raised an eyebrow when she saw Draco Malfoy following the girl, who was obviously a first year.

         Turning back to Harry, she was about to say something but stopped when she saw his face. His eyes had brightened and he was smiling the first genuine smile she'd seen since she sat down. Harry pulled the young girl onto his lap and looked at Hermione.

         “Hermione, this is Alana Malfoy. Alana, this is Hermione Granger, my best friend.”

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