Chapter 1

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I put my finger up to my mouth indicating for Andrea to be quiet so the boys didnt hear us. We creeped around the corner, quiet as mice and as we walked faster to push Sam and Kian into the pool, Andrea's phone went off. All three of us looked back at her.

"I told you to put it on silent girl. Come on you're slackin'" I laughed.

"God twitter" she put her phone in her pocket.

"Wait what was it that you were trying to do?" Kian smirked.

"We might of maybe been trying to, I dont know, push you in the pool"

Andrea shrugged.

"Well in that case..." Sam said as they both looked at the pool.

Sam grabbed me and thru me over his shoulder, Kian grabbed Andrea bridal style and they grabbed our phones. We were both trying to squirm out of their grip but they had so much power over us.

All of our bodies collided with the water making a huge splash. We all came up for air and started laughing.

"Im going to kill you" Andrea and I both said in sync. We looked at each other and started laughing.

I climbed out and everybody trailed behind. We talked and laughed for ten minutes and Andrea and I were dry enough to run inside and grab towels.

Everybody dried off and went back inside.

"Well I think its time for us to leave" Andrea kissed Kian's cheek.

"Alright let's go" I said and ran upstairs to grab my keys.

Sam handed me my wallet and gave me a hug. I hugged kian and walked over to the stairs.

"Goodnight and Goodbye to who ever is awake at 2:30 in the morning" I yelled up the stairs.

I got a Goodnight, a growl, and a shut up. Andrea and I walked to my car and drove. I dropped her off and went home, praying my step dad was not awake to chew me out for being out this late.

I tried as hard as I could to be quiet. I tip toed to the kitchen and grabbed a water and a apple. I walked down the hallway and went into my room.

I plopped my self onto my bed and took a bite of my apple. I was sprawled across my bed, apple in one hand, water in the other.

I shot up. "My phone" I whispered shaking my head. Thank god for house phones. And the fact I knew sams number by heart.

"So I kinda forgot my phone at your house" I messed with my wet, crazy hair. "You know when you and Kian threw us in the pool".

All Sam could do was laugh at me. "Andrea's is here too. Call her for me?"

"Tell kian. I dont know hers by heart" I said back. We hung up.

I got up and changed into some shorts and a tank top then layed down to sleep. I turned off my netflix because I knew I couldnt stay up long enough to watch a movie.

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