My Dark, Handsome, Stranger

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okay don't be upset I skipped the fight scene I just don't know how to type it but.... if at some point I can get someone to type it for me or I found out how to write it I will upload the chapter and put it in here so please bear with me. 

P.O.V Benny

Vincent Carter...

That was the last thing that sexy stranger said to me before he walked away, and it's the last thing I could think about while I did my hair for my night outing with Taylor.

But I couldn't shake the feeling that he had just been standing there almost right outside the diner, I never saw him inside and he didn't look like he was going inside. Was he waiting for me? Did he know that I was coming? Was he the person watching me in the diner?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

"Benny I'll be done in a sec then we can leave for our outing," Taylor yelled done the hallway.

Our house wasn't that big it is a two-bedroom two bathroom Apartment. Our rooms aren't that far apart and with so little hall space we barely can walk right next to each other. The walls were an ugly beige color and the paint was chipping off the wall. The floor was a black and white tile that was so cheap that it was peeling off the floor and the carpet in the living room was so rugged and ruff that you needed shoes to walk across it because it felt so gross.

My room was small with a twin size bed and a dresser and a small closet. I didn't have pictures up or anything personal I didn't feel like I was home so why make it look like I live here. I love Taylor but I couldn't stand living here I want to go out and travel the world someday and just explore new things I also want love, a love that made me feel happy with I guy that I could trust.

I look in my mirror and fix myself. My bright red hair was pulled up into a high ponytail; a black shirt and skirt cling to my body showing off my curves, Gold strappy heels making me 4 inches taller, my lipstick a dark red making my teeth look whiter than they already are.

"Okay, you ready I promise I'm not taking us to the club I have somewhere else in mind!!!" Taylor was squealing as we walked in to or cluttered living room that was decorated with an ugly brown colored couch that groceries with holes barely holding itself together, a worn out wooden coffee table stood right in front of it, holding what looked like a bunch of random items like bracelets, earrings, mail, and magazines.

"We are going somewhere we can meet hot guys and drink just because momma old doesn't mean she isn't lonely" Taylor winked at me.

" Taylor it sounds like the club to me drinking, hot guys; where are we going, Taylor," I said my words sounding disappointing, she knows I hate clubs and if she takes me to a club I'm never going out with her again.

"Let's just go I'll tell you when we get there, I promise it isn't a club and I know you will like it." Taylor grabbed her keys and I begrudgingly followed her. Hoping this isn't some trick she's pulling so I can "let loose". We make it down the four flite of stairs just to get to the parking lot this trashy building doesn't have an elevator so that makes it hard when we're bringing in groceries. Taylor's grey 2006 Honda Accord Silvis, barely ran

but Taylor refused to get a new car saying this was her favorite car but I don't believe that I just think that she's too broke she has a lot of things that need to be replaced at the shop the whole thing needs to be done all of the installations needs to be replaced or apartment is a mess and with all that she still needs to get more ingredients to make food and bills need to be paid and her car she might as well throw away but as long as it gets us place to place we can keep it.

Once we get in the car Taylor pulls out of the parking lot turn left and continue to drive for about 30 minutes until were past city limits going down a dark road in the middle of nowhere.

"Taylor where are we going, this is freaking me out," I said looking around seeing trees and empty fields, we are the only cars on a street with no street lights.

"We're going to be there in a few seconds." just as she made that statement we pulled into a warehouse parking lot with all kinds of cars from beat-up vans, to flashy expensive cars. the warehouse looked abandoned and dirty, I didn't exactly feel safe being here.

" why are we here Taylor, isn't this trespassing," I said looking at Taylor, she didn't reply or look at me she just started walking towards the front door of the crumbling building and knock on the door.

"password," a groggy rusty voice said through the door.

"The Blue Beauty," Taylor whispered.

there were a few clicks sounds before the door was opened, showing a bald buff man he looked to be in his 40's, his body was covered in tattoos his face covered in piercings. He was wearing a pair of black jeans a white shirt and a pair of biker boots.

"Taylor isn't this a surprise I haven't seen your sexy ass around here for a while," he said his crooked teeth were showing through the smile he had as he looked Taylor up and down. The man didn't seem to notice me which made me let out a sigh of relief.

"Sam you know I'm busy, I have to take care of my shop but I may drop by a couple more times." Taylor winked and walked into the suspicious looking building.

"Taylor, where are we? who was that? how does he know you? wh-- " Taylor stopped in walking and turned towards to me

"I come a few for a drink and watch sweaty shirtless guys fight each other, no dancing no loud music just fighting now stop asking questions and just go with it."

Taylor turns back around and continues walking down a dark hallway it had shelves full of trophies and all kinds of championship belts other than that then hall was empty. We walked into a large area filled with men and a few women that were barely dressed. people were yelling, laughing, and, arguing all around. Everyone seems to be drinking something. In the middle of all this, there is a huge boxing ring.

"This is a street fighter club place," I said to Taylor she was waving at different people.

"It's called the underground, I brought you cause I thought maybe you needed to let loose, now come on it's about to start." she grabs my arm and pulls me towards the ring.

A tall black man in an expensive purple suit and bright yellow stood in the ring with a bright smile before he started to yell into the microphone.


He faced everyone before continuing.


Everybody started screaming and whistling.


The crowd went wild screaming chanting and whistling more than before. Bone crusher was huge and he had the ugly appearance of an ogre. He had a huge circle head with a wide flared nose and a big ugly scar across his face. He stomps around the arena growling and grunting showing the crowd his hideous crooked yellow teeth.

The man brought his voice down a little as he puts one hand in his pocket and starts to pace around the ring.

" our next fighter is what you've all been waiting for for....hes 6'7, 376 pounds of muscle he is undefeated since he started 6 years ago...... DAMAGE!!!!!!

The crowd went wild, screaming louder then I thought was humanly possible.
A huge man appeared from the right corner of the arena. the sight if the string handsome man made me blush, his chest was shining with sweat and covered in tattoos. His face was almost godly; his eyes were dark green and his sharp chin has a blond beard that just made him look even more irresectable.

He walked towards his opponent without showing off or growling he truly had a confidence about him that made people cheer even louder for him.

"OKAY GENTLEMEN I WANT A GOOD CLEAN FIGHT. NO CHEATING." there was a long pregnant pause the arena was the quietest its ever been tonight

"ROUND 1. FIGHT!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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