Chapter 10: Old Memories

Start from the beginning

"But it's hot in here..."

"I shouldn't"

"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad,"Guren Said.

"It's fine," she said,"I'll be okay."

"Here I can help you," Guren Said as he reached out his hand.

"No it's fine really,"She smiled as she waved her hand.

"Alright then,"He slouched back on his chair.Where the hell are you Shinya? Guren thought. Mari looked around wondering the same thing. Shinya was no where to be seen.

Mari looked around noticing this restaurant looked familiar. No way, it's...she thought. Mari stood. Guren watched her. "Oh my god,"She smiled as she walked away.

"Hey where are you going?" Guren called for her as he followed.

She walked fast. Guren started to run after her. People watched. Mari stopped,"I can't believe it,"She smiled as she saw the thing she loved most in her childhood.

Guren stopped. He looked at her. "What's wrong with you?" He Asked.

He saw the smile on her face. His face changed. Guren turned to see what she was looking at. A piano?he thought as he looked at it.

Mari walked towards it. She touch one of the keys. Dad your piano,she thought as she looked at it. Guren studied her. "I'm sorry, but it's just that I never seen this in years,"Mari smiled at Guren.

"Is it yours?

"No, it was my father's,"She smiled as she remembered it all.
Mari sat on the bench.

"Hey I don't think you can touch..."

Mari took off her gloves slowly. Guren's eyes widen as he saw her hands. They were covered with markings. He got closer to her to hide her hands. Mari place her gloves on top of the piano. She started to play the piece her father loved and taught her how to play.
I'm sorry I had to. I love this,but this is what she's playing.

Guren watched as she played it. She was amazing at it. People started to stared realizing it was her who was playing the piano. Akiyoshi and Ichiko smiled as they realized it was her too. She hadn't played it since she showed them it was her favorite piece. Guren looked at her realizing they were both different people in different worlds. Her eyes looked happy but filled with sadness. Her face expressions were smiles as if she was remembering her past. The happy moments and sad moments.Then her eyes turned like she was determined. Like she wanted to end something. But she eyes went soft again. Her face expression would change back and forth to the beat. People started to smile as she played. They watched as she played. Guren stood trying to cover her hands. Mari took a breath. But she still continued. She had so much emotion on it. "Oh sweetie the past is the past," Ann came and wrapped her arms around her. Mari didn't turn or move. She kept playing.

"Ugh your dad was such a good man. So sad, you were the reason he died." Ann laughed,"When he was shot on the head. I knew your rage would come out. And your true power would unleash."

Mari ended the piece. She took a huge breath. Everyone clapped and cheered. She looked at Guren. Guren grabbed her gloves and handed them to her. "Mari, how did you learn how to play?" Guren Asked. She put on her gloves.

Owari no seraph:The Half Humans {editing/continuing}Where stories live. Discover now