Chapter 1

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Xiomara De Santiago  was a fearless little girl who loves to travel and dreamed one day, she'll become the first person to discover other dimensions. But dreams where just dreams. Now she is having a past time job at the Flora. Oh and the Flora is actually a hotel. She's a waitress and if you're wondering, yes. She's still in college but very soon, she'll get her college degree and become... I don't know yet! Ok, let's just get right into the story. 

Xo lives with her abuela and her mom.By the way if you don't speak Spanish, that also means granny. Xo is very responsible and... well I call that "adultish" . She, her self cleared out that before marriage there will be no... you know... sex. I bet we'll just gonna call her a virgin. But she failed at it and let's not get personal. Sorry. I forgot that we were supposed to jump right into the story.

Ok! Let's officially get started! 

There, Xo's 20th birthday and everyone was so excited for it! Even abuela! Well abuela is pretty old and usually don't like parties and even though, she is still very happy and maybe a lil bit sad cause her granddaughter grew so fast! Her mom, Maria felt the opposite. She was so happy that..... I afraid I don't have a word to describe.  Ok! Moving on! 

At the moment, Xo and her mom are going to the party. It was a bar. I know. I know what you're thinking. It'll be so awkward  because her mother is going with her....... to a party....where all of her friends are there... Oh no! What if Maria embarrass Xo? No! Maria is a cool mom. You know.. like Kris Jenner?? So, moving on. The party was absolutely perfect. Xiomara felt like she could never have much fun as tonight. Until now. She sees a guy. She is drunk and let me tell you what she thinks: 

"Ooh! A hottie! Should I just go to him and talk? Maybe... it could use a lil flirting...No! Xo! Pull it all together! You're drunk! Let's just go home! Remember??? What happened to Trina when she got drunk and puked on this guy's clothes?? Do not humiliate your self! He's a real deal! Let me tell you! And relax! It's not like I'm gonna have sex with him or anything!"

And for the record, she did. After all, it's nothing right? At least she didn't get pregnant... And again, here are her thoughts, fighting against each other:

" I can't believe you've had sex! And especially with a stranger that you've just met! You don't even know his number! Well yeah I mean.. I felt a lil guilt but... Oh gosh! It was amazing! Wow! I might need some more right now! No! Xiomara! You need to be responsible remember?? Now! Pull your self  together! Where is the  responsible girl?? Actually you're right here. It's you.. Oh! Sorry. My bad. And from now! Let me lead! No more childish Xo! Oh and you'll have to tell mom the truth.Fine!"

Well Xo grew up without lying or covering something she knows she shouldn't be so she told her mom. Of course, Maria thinks it's no biggie but the big deal here is.... ABUELA!!!!!

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