First Time

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July 17th

I already cried over this week. I have to separated with my mom and sister to live with my father and step mom.

Reason? My mom is not working anymore, we practically living by my father subvention. So when he asked me to live with him, my mom say yes. Because its for my future, so i can have a better education.

I always have a good grade and my final score is second best in my year. So my mom let me go to have a better education, because the school i will enroll is quite reputable in that city. The student who study there is middle to high class economy and the graduated from there is accept it any place they want to pursue. To be honest, i dont like the idea at all. I never far away from my mom since i was baby. The other reason is i dont have friend or even know anyone. Being in new place as new student, even all of us is new student is scared me.

My father is take me to the school. Just me and my father. He not saying any word. Just driving the car and listen to the radio. I dont want to start any conversation either.

He dropped me and wish me luck. He said he will pick me up when school is over. Eventually his take day leave for this very first day.

And now i am standing like statue infront of the school gate. Without knowing what will i do.


I see him..

The lanky boy who wear glasses. Smile and talking with his bunch of friend.

I am speechless. Stunned.
The butterflies all over my stomach. No, i am not feel queasy. Its strange feeling. Like my whole existence is destined to this very moment.

He is laughing, goofing around with his friend.
In his uniform with tie and held his blue backpack over his shoulder.

I fall in love in second.

I dont even know why i do fall. I dont even know what is love yet. But this fluttering feeling inside of my heart i cant ignore.

I need to know who is he. What his name, and whatever his doing.

Then the bell ring and the speaker start to calling the new student to have a initiation.

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