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"Riley! ... look out!" The black ranger leaped in front of the green ranger to shield him just in time from an in coming attack. "Para Chopper blast, final strike!"

The remaining three or four viviks flew in the air, then BOOM!

Earlier today, Chase and Riley were goofing off at the training area when a bunched of viviks decided to ruined their fun.

"Thanks , Chase." Riley said with gratefulness in his voice. Chase smiled at Riley and swung an arm around him making the younger ranger blush. "Don't thank me, love. That's what mates do for each other."

Riley was lost in thoughts. Did Chase just called me, love? No Riley, you are hallucinating, he has a girlfriend. Riley was snapped out of his thoughts when the others finally arrived. "You guys alright?" Tyler asked, concerned.

Keeping an arm around the younger ranger, Chase nodded. "Yah, Riles and I took care of it." Koda grinned from ear to ear. "Chase and Riley work good together."

Later that day, the rangers were off the clock. Riley went over to Chase and place a hand on the kiwi's shoulder to to get his attention. Chase turned around and pulled out his headphones and gave the farm boy his best charming smile. "Hey mate, what's up?" Riley smiled back and cleared his throat. "Hey, wanna hang out somewhere?" Chase was more than happy, he nodded his head. "Sure baby raptor."

At that moment, Kaylee ran towards the boys. "Chase!" She gave Riley a friendly smile and turned her attention back to Chase. "I bought as tickets to go see the new movie this afternoon, come on."

Chase didn't know what to say, should he ditch Riley so he could go out with Kaylee, or ditch Kaylee so he could hang out with Riley?

Riley glance at his best friend and nod his head. "It's okay, Chase. We can hang out tomorrow." Chase could hear the disappointment in the green ranger's voice even though he was smiling.

"Sorry Kaylee, maybe some other time, yah? .. I kinda already have plans."

Needless to say, Chase broke up with Kaylee the next day and he now has Riley as a boyfriend, he had been crushing on him for quite a while.

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