Blood of the beast

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After defeating the serpent The group Aaron, Ember, Zach, Elijah, and Lucia rest and before the head to the town of Destoros within the Emera kingdom. As night proceeds and the group sits together. Aaron over the fire watching the serpent cook. "Well the food will be ready soon. Why don't we tell how our first adventures began?" Zach springs up "since I'd have the coolest story to tell I think I should go first." Elijah grabbing some of the serpent and eating "yeah right pretty boy you'd bore us to death with your first adventure when I star--" Zach gets in Elijah's face "what'd you say for your information when I started I was already on my way to the capital to see the governor." Elijah cuts off "yeah so what? Did he give you a special place in his heart?" Elijah batting his eyes "No Elijah I had been fighting a bear-- no three bears and the governor wanted to see me and give me a reward for my brave efforts!" Elijah laughs "yeah right I bet you could barely even defeat a rabbit. When I started I was part of the Rubais army scouting guard. I was on my first task with them I was sent out to scout when a giant boar came out of the forest with it tusks charging right at me, but I got past it blocking it with my shield. After all that I stabbed it in it's heart and got promoted there after bringing in it's tusk." Zach grabbing a giant piece of snake "So why aren't you there with them now if you got promoted since then. Hmmmm" with a witty look "I had decided that it was my time to go on my own without the armies help. Lucia what about you how'd you start." Lucia with a canteen sipping it "well I had started when I was barely sixteen running into the world with no one and I had stubbled across a beast I couldn't handle with the magic I had known. Luckily that's when my old teacher Vox Filray showed up and slayed the beast for me. From then on he taught me magic gave me a staff and made me get all the herbs and fight random beasts from board to bears." Lucia stays at Ember "Let me guess you lot want to hear my story as well let's start with me running as fast as I can from a beast that no one had seen since the old Regalia Guard had seen." Ember gets up walking creeping behind each one of the group "As I ran I had stumbled and bumped into Aaron here." As Aaron just sits, eats, and nods. "Aaron here had picked me up and and gave me daggers. He told me to hold on to his hand while he ran towards the beast he had smacked the boar with his hammer then threw me into the air and told me to stab it as I fell. Isn't that right Aaron." Aaron nods and says "it was only a rhino from the Emera kingdom. I did that to teach how to fight, but since then she has been in my training since then." Ember nods and the group stares at Aaron "Let me guess my story now." Zach yells out in excitement " yes your story yours must've been the best." Aaron sighs "no not really, when I had begun I was injured and half beaten. I had been exhausted climbing the of Amethyte mountains. I had to fight a yeti who had smelled my blood I had to beat the yeti down from it's legs up while nearly bleeding to death." As they all stare intently in amazement. "Well everyone that's enough for tonight get rest alright we move at dawn." Everyone leaves except Aaron watching the fire burn out as everyone begins to sleep Zach hears rustling and grabs his bow. When he comes out all he sees is Aaron with red in his eyes and his hammer out walking into the forest. Zach goes back into his tent thinking nothing of it but Aaron's eyes intrigue him keeping him up thinking. As dawn Breaks Zach is first to awake he looks for Aaron. As he looks for Aaron he see him walking back from the forest. "Zach something wrong? You're never up this early. You usually are one of the last to wake up or ember is." Zach startled starts fixing his to and loading it up. "No Aaron nothings wrong." I'll ask Aaron about it later after we are in town where he went. Soon everyone awakes even the farmer. "Alright everyone have everything packed we are going now" as Aaron walks with the farmer. In the back Zach leans in close to Ember "Ember you've been in the group with Aaron the longest right." Ember skips "yeah I guess I have been, why?" "Have you ever seen Aaron with red eyes?" Ember glances at Zach "yes. I have. Why do you ask?" "I saw them last night." "Stay away from him when he's like that got it." As Ember moves forward running up to Lucia. In the next few hours they start seeing the city. Elijah runs farther ahead of the trying to make it to the city first then Zach runs after him follows ember then Lucia with Aaron running carrying the farmer as they laugh and run towards the city.

The Regalia Guardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن