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LUCAS MADE EYE CONTACT with Lorie from across the circle and didn't smile. He was pissed off, she could tell. He didn't always smile when he looked at her, but there was no glint of happiness in Lucas' eyes. Oh god, she'd driven him away.

"Never have I ever," one of Jenny's friends Amanda started. "...Smoked."

Oh Christ, Lorie could tell she was about to get very drunk. The girl took a shot along with Kaya, Nick, Lucas and Amanda. All the rest of Jenny's friends, including the birthday girl herself stayed glued to their seats.

Jenny gasped at Lucas first, and then Amanda.

"I can't believe you two have smoked!" Jenny giggled.

"I know, it was only once and I only had one puff," Amanda laughed.

Lorie exchanged a glance with Nick and Kaya. This was going to be a long long night. Better get hammered to make it all go quicker.

The next few goes was dumb shit from Jenny's boring friends like: 'never have I ever got a parking ticket for speeding' and 'never have I ever snuck into a club'. Needless to say, Lorie was already a bit drunk after a few rounds of the game. Finally it got to her go again.

At this point, Lorie was so hungry for something actually exciting to happen that she decided to shock Jenny.

"Never have I ever had sex on School premesis," Lorie said, winking at Lucas.

God. Why did she do that? She was so drunk. Oops, better do another shot. (She'd brought her own miniatures with her and would swig some occasional vodka when nobody was looking).

Jenny raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, you haven't actually done that have you?" She asked.

Lorie nodded proudly.

"I was sixteen, and it was with my boyfriend Connor in the medical room," she said truthfully.

Kaya and Nick began to giggle a little, soon followed by Lucas (he stopped abruptly after Jenny shot him a disapproving look).

"Next time do one that we're likely to have done," Jenny said, looking a little annoyed.

"Ooooh sorry," Lorie laughed. "How about 'never have I ever missed a stitch when knitting and just pretended not to notice'. Is that more in your league?"

Kaya poked Lorie hard in the ribs.

"Shut up Lorie," she whispered. "Before you say something you regret."

Lorie ignored her and carried on being a bit of a bitch.

"Have you guys even had sex? Ever?" She asked, taking another shot for no reason.

"As a matter of fact I haven't," Jenny stated.

"Well aren't you prim and proper!" Lorie said through drunken giggles.

"Neither has Lucas, we're waiting for a while," Jenny carried on.

Lorie stopped giggling and stared at the two. Lucas had gone bright red and was glaring at Jenny.

"You're a virgin?" Lorie asked.

"I think you need a bit of fresh air, Lorelei," Kaya said quickly, gesturing for Nick to help her haul Lorie out of the door.

"Virgin," the girl muttered once they were outside. "Who would've guessed?"

"Why is she being like this?" Nick asked Kaya.

"Can I tell him Lorie?" Kaya asked.

Lorie nodded vigorously, a delirious smile on her face.

"She likes Lucas, and was about to tell him but he just got together with Jenny."

"Boring Jenny," Lorie mumbled.

"You like Lucas?" Nick asked.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" Lorie screeched.

"She's very drunk," Nick said. "We should probably get her home."

"You're drunk, drunky," Lorie giggled.

"Come on Lorie," Kaya said, lifting the girl's arm over her shoulder and dragging her towards the car.


Lorie woke up with an ice pack already on her head. It was kind of warm, which is how she could tell she had it on last night. Oh god, that was all real wasn't it. Shit.

The brunette sat up in bed and both her head and stomach lurched. Her throat was also really painful, which was odd.

"Ow," she sobbed pathetically.

Lorie looked down at her body, which was in rather an odd state. Her top was gone, and her skirt was half way down her legs. Clearly either she had tried to take them off and fallen asleep midway, or Kaya and Nick had tried to get her into her pyjamas and drastically failed. Either way, Lorie was dreading seeing Lucas' face today.

She wasn't sure what exactly had transpired at Jenny's party, only a few memories sprung to mind. One was her swigging vodka when nobody was looking and another was throwing up in Jenny's potted plant afterwards. God, she'd been totally wasted.

Fuck! What was her issue? Why couldn't she just leave poor Lucas alone? Lorie felt like slapping herself in the face, and was about to, when Kaya walked in with a bag of groceries.

"Hey pretty lady," Kaya said as she walked in, dumping the bag on Lorie's bed.

"Hi," Lorie said, her voice surprisingly croaky. "My throat hurts."

"Yeah, you insisted on singing the whole way back," Kaya grimaced.

"What was I singing?"

"Not sure, it was kind of a mash up between Britney Spears, ABBA," Kaya told her. "...And Cardi B."

"I can only apologise," Lorie cringed.

"It's fine, Lorie," Kaya smiled. "I know you'd do it for me. Besides, we're besties for the resties, remember?"

"What would I do without you?"

"Get alcohol poisoning."


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