Story behind these scars

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Rainy evening at Doncaster.

Normal thing though.

Rain and darkness.

At summers, there were many thunderstorms. Louis personally liked, no loved, them. It was relaxing.

But nothing couldn't relax him at the moment.

Louis job was listening and talking with mens. At the phone.

And not the "good" talking.

Sex talk.

He felt dirty and worthless.

And slutty.

At shower, no matter how hard he rubbed and tried to become cleaner, he felt physically dirty.

And everything else.

Louis knew that all of this shit was his fault. Only his.

But who could blame him? Louis was just teenager who searched for money.

And found it too. But not clean money.

He worked for

Louis have never seen his boss. Just one man, who gave the money for him.

The money only run for guys. No womens were allowed to work at CallMeGay.

(huh it was gay so)

And the money also run for the guys who could took it face to face.

The money.

The place hired guys from age 16 to 20. And the callers. Oh the fuckin callers. They were from age 40 to 60.

At least the ones who called to Louis.

Louis himself was 17 years old.

He had brown hair and sparkling blue-greenish eyes. Sassy and assy.

(louis often just stared at his own ass bc well who wouldn't)

Before his job, Louis was outgoing and happy person. Always talking and oh, laughing. So much.

Now, he felt tired every day.

And thats how it started.


"Nothing major." he tought while running the razor.

Few deeper ones and the others where razor only danced slightly on his skin, like, just barely touching it.

But eh, all over his skin.

Stomach, shoulders, wrists, legs and even some at his back.

Depression, cutting, and oh. Eating problems.

"Nothing major" he tought while sitting beside the toilet, mouth raw and burning.

"I'm fat. Ugly. Useless. Slut. Waste of space. Dirty." he tought.

Broken sob came out of his mouth.

"Nothing major." he said to Niall, who just asked about the sad face.

Niall was good.

One of his best friends.

Known each others from the start of their lives. Cheesy.

Still Louis couldn't tell him about this all.

At lunch, in school, he would just sit and smile while looking at Niall, who just tossed food in his mouth.

School was hell.


"Ewww.. Tomlinson is just disgusting whore" someone whisper-yelled at the school hall.

"I know right! I heard that last night he fucked Damion! Can you believe?" was heard.

"But Damion has girlfriend? Slut I say." one almost yelled.

"Nothing major." he tought while tears freely runned down his cheeks.


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

HELLOOOOO! few things.

The idea of came out of nowhere.

And if there is page called CallMeGay, it has NOTHING to do with this book.

It was the first name that came to my mind !

(i wonder why hmm)

The second one. This book is going to be really angsty. BUT I PROMISE YOU GUYS A HAPPY ENDING ! It's the least I can do. Haha.

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