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   "Agent Savage? I have an email here for you from Deputy Director."
   I swivel my desk chair around to face the Sheep and take the paper she was handing me. "Thanks." I mumble between sips of coffee.
   Agent Jackson Savage,
You are hereby transferred to Zootopia  in order to train their police and S.W.A.T. task forces. The Night Howler epidemic has been declared an act of terrorism against pray, you are ordered to train these mammals in case of future attacks.
   I expect you're immediate leave to Zootopia and weekly progress reports every Saturday before 9:00pm. All expenses have been paid for, train will depart tomorrow morning at 7:am.
        ~Deputy Director Hues

   "Oh fucking fantastic."

   I drive to my apartment and pack for a very long stay at my new assignment. It's not that I have many things to pack, or even that I have a reason to want to stay here, I just find it a pain to transfer to a whole new city for a totally different job from what I'm used to here at ZIA headquarters.
   I bring two suitcases to my car, full of mostly clothes and paperwork.
   It's not like it's my first transfer. About a year ago they put me in a city up north for a month to guard a highly important Mammal. Besides, how long could training a few officers take?
   I was seated in a special car of the train, near the front. The rides kinda boring, and god I probably should have had breakfast. My stomach growls while I just stare out the window, watching the trees pass by.
   well, I didn't have a family anymore, so why am I so upset about transferring? I'm not leaving anything behind. Am I?
   I sigh and start looking for food. There's a few cabinets... snacks maybe? I open one and find cleaning supplies. The next has booze. And the last, "yes! Food!" I pull out a back of chips from inside and go back to my seat.
   "Next Stop, Zootopia City Center!" A loud voice says through the loudspeakers, waking me up with a start.
   "Already?" I say out loud as I stretch my muscles.
   I'm escorted off the train by a slightly bored looking hedgehog. Down by the street is a police car with a gray bunny in front of it, holding a sign reading Jack S. She has amethysts for eyes and one hellova smile. As I approach I see a red fury animal in the back seat of the car, an annoyed look on his face.
   "Hello Officer, I am Agent Jackson Savage. I assume you're my ride to the  station?" I greet the gray bunny. I had a hotel room booked to stay in, but I had to announce my arrival at the department before I get to rest.
   "Hi! Yes! Uh, this way?" She awkwardly opens the passenger door for me. "Sorry, this is my first police escort, no idea how I'm supposed to act in front of an Agent."
   I chuckle a bit. "You're doing great mis." I say as I get in the car. The gray bunny takes no time to get in her seat. A voice comes from behind us. "Hey carrots, it's about time! I'm starving and you wouldn't stop for lunch."
   I look back and see a fox in a police uniform. A fox cop and a bunny cop? Working as partners? "Hey I know you guys! You solved the Howler case last month! What was it... Hopps! Yea that's it and uh... Wilde, was it?" The fox grew a smerk. "Hey Jude, were famous!"
   "Ha ha, funny, Nick. And yes sir, I'm officer Judy Hopps. This is my partner, officer Nick Wilde. He kindly 'offered' to give you his seat and sit back there."
   "Don't lie fluff, you just wanted an excuse to stick me in a cage." The fox exclaims while he knocked on the bars separating the front and back seats.
   I smile. Hopps looks over at me a second and seems to panic. "Nick quiet! You are being terrible unprofessional in front of a ZIA agent!"
   "No, no, it's totally fine mis, I much prefer you guys be yourselves around me. Let's me see the real you, not a well behaved mask."
   Judy sighs and I think Nick decided it was nap time and dosed off. These officers really were something alright, I wonder how they managed to solve that case. They just seem like ignorant rookies. Guess I'll find out tomorrow during my tests.

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