march timetable

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this week 12/03/2018-18/03/2018-          


*THE DRAGON IN THE STARS- 16/03/2018 maybe

*THE MARK OF THE LSIE OF DRAGONS- has not been written yet


*THE PRINCESS WITH THE HEART OF A WRITER-has not been written yet

SHURI AND PETER- has not been written yet

THE MASK ARE OFF- has not been written yet

PEGGY ROSE AND THE SON OF POSEIDON-at some point this week

MYSTICAL NAMES-when i get a cover made

note: if i have a test i will not publish that week and if a story is a fanfic it is a side project so it is not a big thing for me. and if it has * then the full story will not be published due to the fact that they are books that i wish to get published with a publishing house someday

so at this point in time i will not be publishing this week or in the foreseeable future due to the fact that i have lost my usb that has all my story on it. sorry :( :( :( 

publishing timetable-2018Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz