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Defect. Noun; a shortcoming, imperfection or lack. That's me.

I should properly tell you about myself. My full name is Bethany Hope Arden. If I had any friends, they would probably call me Beth. But I don't; because I'm a defect.

I was troublesome from day one. My mother died giving birth to me and my father has always looked down on me, as if her death was my fault. I don't have any siblings to defend me from him, even though they probably wouldn't. It's just him and me in the house. 

We used to live in a small apartment in Iowa but moved to Connecticut when I was 6 due to the prosperity of father's business. Now I'm 15.

Connecticut is lovely, snow in winter and a warm, comforting sun. The people are kind and welcoming, all except the kids in my school. They're mean and selfish, cunning and mischievous. They've all hated me from the start, even though I never spoke or did anything to them. They just hate me because I'm a mistake. 

I used to hate my life. Until the test results of a full body check up returned and I was diagnosed with cancer. That was 2 years ago.

I know cancer isn't a good thing and it could kill you, but when you think about it; everything can. An overdose of medicine or alcohol or an accident. The world is the farthest thing from safe known to mankind and will forever remain that way.

But cancer showed me how lucky I am to be alive and most importantly, it brought me to the Saint Margarette's childrens hospital where I saw him for the first time. After that, my life completely changed... 


There's the prologue :)) I really hope you like it. Vote and comment to show me you liked it so I know someone is reading it and that will give me inspiration to carry on. 

~Paola K. <3

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